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 Lexington Marketing International, Inc. 

Public Relations Plan


·         To establish Client as first in its industry.

·         To expand beyond Client's current brand name as leader in its current sector into the leading supplier of business solutions for all international business.

·         To enhance international corporate visibility of Client to that of a leading member of the multinational corporate community.

·         To build on track record of Client as major IT solutions provider with its established record (in finance, engineering, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, electronics and/or government).

·         To provide a communications support program for Client Partnership Program including a turnkey Public Relations program for marketing, development and support partners.

Marketing Communications Methods

·         Research and develop a support program for management to assist it in gaining the highest and best possible exposure for Client using the established network of partners and expanding that network.

·         This includes identification of key media to partner with, forums for management to participate in, i.e., speaking opportunities for appropriate senior managers, and development of a key editors/analyst community.

·         Work to establish on-going barter relationships with other organizations and publications that will increase visibility for Client, as well as developing partner relationships with media and events in each industry sector.

·         As opportunity presents itself develop a Speakers Bureau for key managers and other associates to gain visibility in the general business community and in each industry sector.

·         Develop a PR support program for partners and working press/analysts to assist them in getting the most out of their Client investment (web site PR and Press guide).

·         Develop and operate e-mail communications system to partners, customers, employees, sponsors, media and leading trade associations to keep them informed about Client etc.

·         Coordinate press conference schedule for specific trade shows and events that Client will be organize or exhibiting at.

·         Develop a program to build visibility with key media in each major market and industrial sector.

·         Regular press releases and newsletters as news warrants, monthly.

·         Develop media advisory/analyst newsletter to be issued regularly (weekly or monthly).

·         Develop and manage media database (critical trade, business and local media as well as others to solicit coverage).

·         Maintain e-mail communications system to media and leading trade associations (or other prime groups of attendees) to keep them informed and focused on Client.

Evaluation of Positioning, Program and Results

·         Provide ongoing evaluation of broadcast and print coverage, i.e., order clipping and monitoring services of key media.

·         Survey analysts, reviewers, working press, partners and customers for feedback on what we did right and what needs to be improved.

·         Implement course corrections as evaluation and feedback recommends to communications strategy for Client.


Pacific Dialogue

Public Relations


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Last modified: January 23, 2002




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