Press Tip Sheet |
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, NY September 14-15, 2004 |
Welcome to the Maritime Security Expo 2004 Conference and Exhibition Tip Sheet. As exhibitors and speakers provide information it will be posted here. Along with the press conference and keynote schedule. This will be updated regularly and emailed out to registered working press the week before the show. Let us know if you have additions, corrections or questions. |
Bob |
4D Security Solutions, Inc. |
Booth Number: #807 |
Stock Symbol: N/A |
4-Dsecurity.com |
Internal PR Contact: |
Joe Pipczynski, Jr./ Vice President Sales & Mrkt |
4D Security Solutions, Inc. 625 Madison Ave. City: New York State/Province: NY P/C: 10022-1811 USA |
Phone: (212) 588-2075 |
Fax: (212) 758-2971 |
Cell: (516) 429-2598 |
jpipczynski@4-Dsecurity.com |
New at MARSEC |
Product highlights: |
The SPI™ DETECTION SYSTEM is a site perimeter intelligence system providing all weather surveillance for critical assets (i.e. airports, power plants & refineries, borders & coastlines). Integrating wide area RF motion detection systems, with high resolution video PTZ camera systems and thermal night vision systems; the SPI™ processes the threat, wirelessly links it back to a command center and provides detailed deployment information to the intercepting forces. PROTECTZONE™ SECURITY RINGS is a critical asset surveillance system utilizing the vast operational experience of 4D to implement advanced technology, disciplined procedures and smart barriers in the implementation of surveillance rings, providing virtual and real deterrence and detection. Fully interoperable and implementing complete command and control, PROTECTZONE™ provides interactive surveillance in support of DHS mission goals! |
Company highlights: |
4D Security Solutions, Inc. - a division of Sentry Technology Group specializes in providing end-to-end security and communication solutions for a wide-array of Homeland Security applications. Backed by a powerful team consisting of The Related Group, Israeli Aircraft Industries, Netacs and Sentry Technology, 4D has at its disposal billions of dollars of security technology, interoperable communications and infrastructure development and hundreds of years of combined experience, providing a deep reservoir of technical, financial and strategic resources. |
ADMIRAL LARRY L. HERETH, USCG/Director of Port Security |
Session Topic_Maritime Transporation SecurityAct(MSTA |
Session Time __0900-0930am |
Internal Contact |
Cynthia Stover, USCG. G-MP Administrative Specialist |
202-267-2201 |
CStover@comdt.uscg.mil |
New at MARSEC |
Overview of MTSA |
Background |
Rear Admiral Larry Hereth is currently serving as the Director of Port Security in the Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection Directorate at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, D.C. As Director of Port Security, he oversees all aspects of the Coast Guard port security mission. He directed the development of the Maritime Security Regulations and is now implementing those standards. This includes plan approval and compliance efforts related to 10000 U.S. vessels, 5000 facilities and about 50 port areas, and port state control efforts for 8000 foreign vessels. Rear Admiral Hereth is a 1973 graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy with a bachelor of science and he also earned an MBA from Florida Institute of Technology. In his 30 years of service, he has seen a broad-based career with an emphasis on field operations. His wide-ranging assignments have taken him throughout the United States with multiple tours at east, gulf and west coast ports. After sea duty and command of a unit in Turkey, Rear Admiral Hereth specialized in marine safety, port operations and pollution response. He previously served as Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Marine Safety Office San Francisco Bay. As CO he held three regulatory positions: Captain of the Port; Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection; and Federal On Scene Coordinator for pollution incidents. His area of responsibility covered almost 1900 miles of coastline or inland waterways in the northern half of California and extended shoreward beyond Lake Tahoe. Prior to being assigned to San Francisco, he served in Coast Guard Headquarters as program manager for all Coast Guard oil and hazardous substance pollution preparedness and response activities. Other tours included Commanding Officer, Gulf Strike Team; Alternate Captain of the Port in New York; Chief, Port Operations in New Orleans; and as Chief of the Coast Guard's National Marine Environmental Response School where he supervised all the pollution response courses and directed a national exercise program. He has received numerous personal awards throughout his career, including the Department of Transportation Secretary's Gold Medal Award and the Meritorious Service Medal with the Operational Distinguishing Device and three gold stars. He is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio and is married to the former Kathy Hays of Hillsboro, Oregon. Kathy works as a dental hygienist. |
Aura Systems, Inc. |
Booth # 1051 |
www.aurasystems.com |
PR Contact |
Dave Slaughter |
(310) 880-3803 |
dslaughter@aurasystems.com |
highlights |
Aura Systems, is a world leader in providing mobile electrical power security and manufacturer of the AuraGen®. The AuraGen® is an 8000-watt fully integrated underhood generator, providing 24/7 access to AC electrical power, using the primary vehicle or vessel engine. Electrical power is always available - just plug in and go. |
bd Systems, Inc. |
Booth Number 1350 |
Stock (Privately Held) |
cos.bdsys.com |
1915 Aerotech Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80916-4222 USA |
Internal PR Contact |
Bob Brown/ Business Development Mgr |
719.380.0031 |
Fax 719.380.1421 |
bob.brown@cos.bdsys.com |
Products introduced |
FIRST-Freeway Incident Response Services Tracking |
Highlighs |
Developed for the California Highway Patrol and LA Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the Freeway Incident Response Services Tracking system provides distributed incident management information to agencies throughout LA County. FIRST enables information free flow via dedicated telephone line, Internet and to the public to reduce freeway congestion and improve response times. Transportation Center Common Operating Picture (TC COP) TC COP provides Intermodal Transportation Centers with a system to respond efficiently to natural or man-made disasters or potentially disruptive events. The system integrates diverse tracking, inventory and enabling technologies to facilitate a complete interface with local emergency or allied agencies and presents a unified situational awareness to all involved. |
Company highlights |
bd Systems provides high technology engineering and information services to Federal, State, and local agencies to integrate key enabling technologies for Incident Response and Management, graphic display, computer aided dispatch, automatic vehicle location and radio frequency ID/tracking. Our Mission to provide world-class services and products means "Total Customer Satisfaction." |
The Boeing Company |
(Booth 1106) |
PR Contact |
Paige Z. Pace /Homeland Security & Services |
2201 Seal Beach Blvd, MC 110-SK77 Seal Beach, CA 90740 |
Phone: 562-797-4559 |
Mobile:562-673-1331 |
Fax: 562-797-3705 |
paige.z.pace@boeing.com |
Contact |
Peter Lauenstein, Boeing Homeland Security & Services, |
562-797-1244, |
peter.s.lauenstein@boeing.com, |
Company |
Boeing is at the forefront of successfully managing large, complex transformational programs as a lead systems integrator. The company is creating systems to enable unprecedented situational awareness across the homeland security landscape --from Customs and Border Patrol, to trucks on the road and container ships at sea, to activity at our nation's airports. |
Bulldog Technologies, Inc |
821 |
bulldog-tech.com |
Internal PR Contact |
J Roscovich |
604-782-6110 |
Jroscovich@bulldog-tech.com |
New at MARSEC |
The Mini BOSSTM |
highlights |
Bulldog Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: OTCBB: BLLD), a leading provider of wireless cargo security solutions will be announcing the newest member of the BOSS tm product family on Tuesday September 14th at the Maritime Security Expo. This product will be of particular interest to the loss prevention and theft recovery community. Bulldog Technologies is a leading provider of wireless cargo security solutions, researches, develops and manufactures real-time, comprehensive monitoring and intrusion detection devices for use in the cargo transportation and storage industry. Bulldog’s systems allow dispatchers, security personnel, emergency response teams and cargo transport drivers to monitor valuable cargo during the transport, storage and delivery process. In contrast to radio-frequency tags, Bulldog’s proprietary technology employs a monitoring system that detects suspicious activity on a real time basis. Thus, this solution can prevent the theft of mobile or in transit shipping containers as a result of illegal entry of port storage facilities. The company’s tracking and monitoring systems can also be used to identify the status and position of both dry and liquid inventory using advanced, web-based, Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. |
Company highlights |
Bulldog Technologies, Inc. a leading provider of wireless cargo security solutions, announced today the newest member of the BOSSTM product family. The Mini BOSSTM is a battery powered, miniature (3" x 2" x 1"), covert-tracking device, which can be sequestered in valuable goods, and left dormant until required. Upon activation it provides tracking data using a combination of Assisted GPS and cellular tower triangulation, even when hidden in underground parking structures |
C-Tech Ltd |
Booth 752 |
Stock N/A |
Internal PR Contact |
Bob Fraser/ Marketing Manager |
525 Boundary Road, Cornwall, ON, K6H 6N7, Canada |
Phone 613-933-7970__ |
Fax__613-933-7977 |
Cell N/A |
ctl.admin@c-techltd.com |
New at MARSEC |
Model CSDS-85 Swimmer Detection Sonar |
New Product Highlights |
C-Tech Ltd. has introduced its fourth generation Underwater Security Sonar. The CSDS-85 Swimmer Detection Sonar addresses the growing worldwide need to provide security for personnel and high value assets vulnerable to underwater threats. Compact and easily deployable, the CSDS-85 can be installed on the seabed, dockside or suspended from a ship to provide automatic detection and tracking capability. OMNI (360°) real-time operation assures effective coverage of the area to be protected. |
Company highlights |
C-Tech Ltd. is a diversified engineering and manufacturing company specialized in underwater acoustics, analog and digital electronic design as well as electromechanical design. Founded in 1969, the Company has since developed a wide range of innovative sonar systems for various applications. Our Omni Sonar systems are in use by Navies around the world. |
Coda Octopus |
Booth 1151 |
Stock Symbol CDOC |
codaoctopus.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Debra Barker/ Marketing |
CodaOctopus Ltd, Suite 3 Castle Farm Deddington Oxfordshire OX15 0TP UK |
Phone +44 1869 337570 |
Fax+44 1869 337571 |
Cell |
debra.barker@codaoctopus.com _ |
New at MARSEC |
Coda Echoscope MkII |
Product highlights |
Presenting the new Echoscope MkII, CodaOctopus is demonstrating its extraordinary technology which delivers high resolution real-time 3D images. Applications include harbour surveillance, swimmer detection, obstacle avoidance and vessel hull inspections. Its highly innovative design, high speed processing and intuitive image display software mean that it outperforms all other imaging sonar systems. |
Company highlights |
Leading manufacturer of systems and software for hydrographic and geophysical survey, CodaOctopus supplies military, commercial and academic customers around the world. In addition to specialised hardware and acquisition packages for UUVs our extensive range of systems includes the new Echoscope 3D real-time acoustic imaging sonar. |
Container Security Corp. |
Booth Number: 1451 |
sciguard.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Jordan Levi |
Container Security Corp. 17 Barstow Road Suite 210A, Great Neck NY 11021 USA |
Phone: 516-504-8800 |
Fax: 516-504-8200 C |
ell: 917-686-8300 |
E-mail: jordanlevi@sciguard.com |
New at MARSEC |
Product Highlights: |
Sciguard, is supported by patented technology developed by Container Security Corp. Sciguard can track and monitor the container from its departure point to its destination point. Sciguard is a completely automated system that shows you the location of the container, the integrity of the container and the contents inside the container. |
Company |
The focus of Container Security Corp. is to improve the security, reliability and efficiency of the containerized shipping industry. Our mission is to provide increased security from smuggling, cargo theft, and terrorism. Bringing benefits to Customs Agencies, Shippers, Carriers, and Insurers, without causing delays or adding significant cost. |
Diagnostic Instruments Ltd |
Booth: 1216 |
Contact Name |
Gareth Bruce Sales & Marketing Executive |
Tel: +44 (0)1506 470011 |
F:+44(0)1506470012 |
gareth.bruce@diaginst.co.uk |
Contact Name: |
Jim McNiven |
Phone: +44 1506 470011 |
jim.mcniven@ruggedhandheld.com |
highlights |
Diagnostic Instruments will be showcasing their new rugged computing platform. DI's handheld platforms are highly customizable, allowing customers to combine a range of specialist electronics (data acquisition, GPS, WiFi), sensors (radiation/gas detectors), or Auto ID technologies (RFID, SmartCard, barcode) with our existing field proven platforms. This allows you to create a handheld ideally suited for applications such as transportation security, border control or protecting critical infrastructures & assets. |
Gabriel Technologies Corporation |
Booth Number: # 1323 |
Stock Symbol: GWLK PINK SHEETS |
Internal PR Contact: |
Dan Chicoine - VP of Marketing/Investor Relations Officer |
Gabriel Technologies Corp. 4538 S 140th Street, Omaha, NE 68137 |
402.614.0258 (w) |
402.306.6943 (m) |
dchicoine@gabrieltechnologies.com |
External PR Contact |
Kristin Petrick / Associate Director of Account Services |
Ervin and Smith, Advertising & Public Relations, 16934 Frances Street Omaha, NE 68130 |
402.829.8023 (w) |
402.578.8182 (m) |
kristinp@ervinandsmith.com |
New at MARSEC |
Gabriel Technologies receives the Most Innovative New Product Award from the National Cargo Security Council for its WAR-LOK i-Series. The award-winning cargo locking system provides real world results for shippers. Designed in conjunction with industry security leaders, the WAR-LOK i-Series provides the highest level of deterrence to cargo and full container thefts in the intermodal and marine industries. |
Products introduced that you want to have profiled in a media Alert: |
WAR-LOK i-Series - Designed in conjunction with industry security leaders, the WAR-LOK i-Series provides the highest level of deterrence to cargo and full container thefts in the intermodal and marine industries. WAR-LOK t-Series - The WAR-LOK t-Series provides the highest level of deterrence to cargo and full container thefts in the trucking industry. And with 260 million key combinations possible and the ability to master key 20,000 different locks, WAR-LOK is the most effective-and convenient-lock yet. WAR-LOK r-Series - Designed specifically for the rail industry, the WAR-LOK r-Series prevents breeches in a number of boxcar types, ensuring complete boxcar protection. |
Product highlights |
With the implementation of our physical security product line, the WAR-LOK Series, and our tracking assisted GPS (aGPS) product line, Gabriel Technologies Corporation partners with the transportation/shipping industry to help apply the proper security measures to the risks they are concerned with reducing. Gabriel is poised to help our customers prevent theft and terrorism related issues, which affect our nation and world economies. |
Company highlights |
Gabriel's mission is to provide the highest quality security products available to the transportation and shipping industry - by creating innovative, proven technologies that can be implemented on a realistic basis. For more information on Gabriel Technologies and our family of products call 1.866.WARLOK1 or 402.614.0258. |
GE Security |
GE Infrastructure, Security, 300 W. Sixth St., Suite 1850 Austin, TX, 78701, U.S.A. |
Internal PR Contact |
Jay Pinkert /Director, Marketing Programs & Communications |
T 512 381 2778 |
F 512 381 1773 |
M 512 417 7026 |
E jay.pinkert@ge.com |
PR Contact |
Casey Fale |
(503) 589-8518 |
M 503 269 5508 |
New at MarSec |
Embargoed until 9 am EDT, Monday, September 13, 2004 |
Highlights |
GE Security's CommerceGuard(tm) System detects unauthorized access to a container and monitors the container in transit for signs of intrusion, which helps manufacturers, customs officials and importers protect container integrity throughout the supply chain. A key component of the system, the container security device, was developed by All Set Marine Security AB and has been tested by the U.S. government and private industry. |
Grants Office, LLC Session |
Speaker Michael Paddock, CEO of |
Contracting with DHS, Including Small Business Opportunities |
Session Time Tuesday 9/15 1:40-3PM |
Internal PR Contact |
Emily Hake/ Marketing and Project Coordinator |
Grants Office, LLC, 25 Canterbury Road, Suite 201 Rochester NY |
585-473-1430 x-105 |
Fax585-473-1436 |
Cell |
ehake@grantsoffice.com |
New at MARSEC |
UPstream Web Services available at www.grantsoffice.com |
Products profiled |
Grants Office's UPstream grants information services |
Product highlights |
Federal and State grants information is captured by Grants Office and presented for government grantseekers and for the companies that sell to them. In the emerging public sector marketplace, companies work as trusted partners with their customers, helping them access resources they need to acheive their common objectives. |
Company highlights |
Grants Office makes municipalities, nonprofits, and their industry partners more successful in identifying and obtaining grant funds from government, and other sources. Grants Office's UPstream Web services allow municipalities and companies to access current, robust intelligence on federal and state funding opportunities across the range of functional areas. |
Session Highlights |
This session will provide information to companies and organizations interested in contracting with DHS to provide services, products, as well as scientific and technical rearch and development to advance the mission of DHS to lead the unified national effort to secure America |
Speaker Background |
Michael Paddock, CEO of Grants office, LLC, had lectured nationally on the opportunities and challenges that homeland security funding present to state and local first responders and the companies that keep them outfitted, informed, and in touch. His column on funding appears each month in the Homeland Defense Journal. |
Organization Background |
Grants Office makes municipalities, nonprofits, and their industry partners more successful in identifying and obtaining grant funds from government, and other sources. Grants Office's UPstream Web services allow municipalities and companies to access current, robust intelligence on federal and state funding opportunities across the range of functional areas. |
Haz Tech Systems |
Booth Number |
Haztech@sti.net |
Internal PR Contact |
Lee Shackelton/Director Government Sales |
Internal PR Contact |
Emily Hake/ Marketing and Project Coordinator |
Booth 934 |
Inficon.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Naomi Kissel-Johns/Marketing Communications Coordiator |
315-434-4400 |
315-437-3803 |
D 315-434-1234 |
Naomi.ksseljohns@inficon.com |
New at MARSEC |
HAPSITE Chemical Identification System |
Product highlights |
HAPSITE Chemical Identification Systems, the only man-portable, gas chromatograph/mass spectrometers, can identify trace levels of chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals, and non-toxic chemicals in air, water and soil. HAPSITE Chemical Monitoring Systems provide highly accurate, on-scene analysis in support of critical decision-making affecting life, health and safety. |
Company highlights |
INFICON has a portfolio of products aimed at chemical security for urban air space monitoring, infrastructure protection, and early detection of chemical contamination in water source and distribution systems. INFICON also provides innovative vacuum instrumentation, critical sensor technologies and process control software for the semiconductor and related industries. |
L-3 Communications |
Booth Number 1002 |
Stock Symbol LLL |
l-3com.com |
L-3 Communications Speaker |
George Mikolai, Senior Manager, Homeland Security Products, L-3 Communications Integrated Systems |
Session Topic Security of Cruise Lines, Tankers, and Other Non-Containerized Cargo |
Session Time Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:30 PM ROOM C |
Internal PR Contact |
Douglas Stevenson/ Director of Marketing |
L-3 Communications Security and Detection Systems 10 Commerce Way Woburn MA 01801 US |
Phone 781.970.1799 |
Fax 781.939.3996 |
Cell |
douglas.stevenson@l-3com.com |
External PR Contact |
Karen Lee/Senior Associate |
Burson-Marsteller, 1801 K Street, NW, Suite 1000-L Washington DC 20006 US |
Phone 202.530.4622 |
Fax 202.530.4500 |
Cell 703.966.1282 |
karen_lee-dc@was.bm.com |
Products to be profiled |
CX-3800M Mobile Cargo X-Ray System |
Product highlights |
L-3 Security and Detection Systems, a subsidiary of L-3 Communications, will display its state-of-the-art, road-legal CX-3800M mobile cargo X-ray inspection system at the Maritime Security Expo. The CX-3800M provides the highest quality images and greatest penetration available among competitive systems. It was developed to help customs and border inspectors, military security, and law enforcement agencies to verify manifests and detect explosives, weapons, stowaways, drugs, and other contraband. |
Company highlights |
Headquartered in New York City, L-3 Communications is a leading provider of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems and products, secure communications systems, aircraft modernization, training and government services, and is a merchant supplier of a broad array of high technology products. Its customers include the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, selected U.S. government intelligence agencies and aerospace prime contractors. |
Lockheed Martin |
Booth 948 |
Stock NYSE:LMT |
Lockheed Martin Speaker_ |
Dale Bennett |
Session Introduction |
Session Time _8:30 a.m. |
Internal PR Contact |
Julie Camardo/ Communications Representative |
199 Borton Landing Road__Mailstop: 102-103, Moorestown, NJ, 08057 USA |
Phone__856-722-7738 |
Fax_856-273-5744_ |
Cell 609-410-1296 |
External PR Contact |
Ken Ross/ Communications Senior Manager |
199 Borton Landing Road__Mailstop: 102-103, Moorestown, NJ, 08057 USA |
Phone856-722-6941 |
Fax856-273-5744 |
Cell 856-912-5802 |
Session Highlights ( |
Dale will be doing an introduction to the show as Lockheed Martin has been a corporate sponsor for three years. |
Speaker Background |
Dale P. Bennett was appointed vice president and general manager for Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems & Sensors’ (MS2) Coast Guard Systems line of business in December 2003. In this capacity, Mr. Bennett is responsible for existing and new business with the U.S. Coast Guard and will work to leverage full capabilities to ensure customer success and focus efforts on homeland security initiatives. Bennett plays a dual role as President of Integrated Coast Guard Systems, a join venture with Northrop Grumman that leads the Integrated Deepwater System for the Coast Guard, a critical multi-year, multi-billion dollar program to modernize and replace the Coast Guard’s aging ships and aircraft, command and control, and logistics systems. |
Organization Background |
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. |
Naval Undersea Warfare Center |
Booth Number 942 |
Stock N/A |
npt.nuwc.navy.mil |
1176 Howell Ave, Newport, RI 02841 |
Internal PR Contact |
Jim Pollock / Director, Homeland Security Programs |
401-832-3703 |
Fax 401-832-4661 |
External PR Contact |
Gary Steigerwald/ Public Affairs Officer |
401-832-3611 |
Fax 401-832-3035 |
Organization Background |
Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), part of the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), provides full-spectrum support for all aspects of undersea warfare for surface ships and submarines. We are the preeminent Navy resource for undersea warfare technology and are applying our resources and capabilities to provide innovative solutions for the Nation’s maritime security needs. |
Natpoly |
Natpoly.edu |
Internal PR Contact |
Deborah Montgomery/Director of Admissions |
Port Simulation Workshop |
Shawgrp.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Edward V. Badolato |
RAE Systems |
Booth Number: # 843 |
( www.raesystems.com) |
Internal PR Contact: |
Richard Howell (not onsite at show) |
Silicon Valley Marketing Group, 74 Seward Street, San Francisco, CA 94114 |
(650) 346-7425 |
rhowell@svmgroup.com | |||
Onsite PR Contact: |
Bob Durstenfeld (onsite at show)/Director of Corporate Marketing |
(408) 585-3534 |
(408) 242-1029 cell |
bdurstenfeld@raesystems.com | ||
RAE Systems, 1339 Moffett Park Drive |
PR Contact: |
Andrew West/Director, Marketing |
Vastera, 45025 Aviation Drive, Suite 300, Dulles, VA 20166-7554 USA |
Phone: (703) 661-9006 |
Fax:(703) 742-4556 |
Cell: (703) 999-4131 |
Speaker: |
Rudy Mui/Vice President of Marketing |
RAE Systems, 1339 Moffett Park Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 |
(408) 585-3500 |
rmui@raesystems.com | |||
New at MARSEC |
RAE Systems and Vastera are announcing the first integrated container sensing and logistics security solution for ocean cargo shipping. |
Product highlights |
RAE Systems and Vastera have joined forces to create an end-to-end security solution designed to keep the global supply chain safe and open. By integrating data from shipping manifests and a variety of wireless container sensor bundles, security personnel will have unparalleled visibility and active early warning into whether containers are dangerous, well before they arrive in port. |
Company highlights |
RAE Systems is a leading global developer and manufacturer of rapidly deployable, multi-sensor chemical detection monitors and networks for homeland security and industrial applications. RAE Systems’ products enable the military and first responders such as firefighters, law enforcement and other emergency management personnel to detect and provide early warning of weapons of mass destruction and other hazardous materials. |
Company highlights |
Vastera is the worldwide leader in providing solutions for Global Trade Management (GTM). Utilizing Vastera's GTM solutions, clients realize significant reductions in costs to manage their global trade operations while improving compliance with government regulations and service levels to end customers. |
Royal Caribbean Cruises |
Speaker: Captain Howard A. Newhoff, Manager, Security |
Session Topic: Cruiseline Security (part of workshop) |
Session Time: 9/15/04 - 3:30 - 5:00 PM |
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 1050 Caribbean Way, Miami, FL 33132 |
Phone: 305-539-6034 |
Fax: 305-539-6478 |
Cell: 305-606-4080 |
Email: hnewhoff@rccl.com |
Session highlights: |
Cruise vessel and facility security overview. Provide information related to vessel and facility security concerns and measures. Discuss security goals, operational standards, strategic direction and future initiatives. |
Speaker Background: |
Responsible for shore side security of all company cruise vessel facilities and terminals worldwide. Support our vessel Masters in onboard security matters including plans, equipment, intelligence and training. Liaison with international, federal and local law enforcement agencies worldwide concerning operational security and criminal matters. Insure that vessel and terminal operations comply with applicable security laws, regulations and policies. Monitor international maritime terrorism risks and threats. |
Organization Background: |
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is a global cruise vacation company that operates Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises, with a combined total of 29 ships in service and one under construction. The company also offers unique cruisetour vacations in Alaska, Canada and Europe. Additional information can be found on www.royalcaribbean.com or www.celebrity.com |
Savi Technology |
Booth Number__706 |
Stock Symbol |
savi.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Mark Nelson/ Director Corporate Communications |
highlights |
With Savi's Transportation Security Solution, shippers have comprehensive, real-time information from source-to-destination about asset status including location, condition of contents (humidity, temperature, shock, etc.), and security of the shipment. Key Solution Features include: Instant notification of container security breaches Administrative functions to manage sensors and intrusion detection devices like creating sensors, disposing sensors, modifying sensor attributes and moving sensors Route planning and verification, and dynamic route adjustments based on actual asset movements Virtual security inspection and monitoring Container history and audit trail reports Complete information profile on each container - contents, routing, and schedule — creates a "virtual" container that is tracked and managed within the network. |
Thermo Electron Corporation |
Booth Number__850 |
Stock Symbol NYSE:TMO |
thermo.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Stephanie Kubina/ Marketing Communications Manager |
Thermo Electron Corporation, 355 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134-1991 USA |
Phone (408) 965-6022 |
Fax (408) 965-6150 |
Cell |
stephanie.kubina@thermo.com |
External PR Contact |
Elizabeth Burke/ Account Specialist |
Greenough Communications Boylston Street Boston MA 02116 |
Phone_(617) 275-6529 |
Fax__(617) 275-6501 |
Cell |
eburke@greenoughcom.com_ |
External PR Contact |
Kerstin Barr Account Supervisor |
Greenough Communications Boylston Street Boston MA 02116 |
Phone_(617) 275-6520___ |
Fax(617) 275-6501__ |
Cell 650-814-3785 |
kbarr@greenoughcom.com |
New at MARSEC |
Matrix MRDS |
Product highlights |
Matrix MRDS is a radiation threat detection network that provides real-time detection, analysis and location of radiation threats across predetermined areas from fixed or mobile command centers. Designed to help local governments enhance security, Matrix MRDS allows users to centrally process and analyze radiation detection data from numerous detection devices. |
Company highlights |
Thermo Electron Corporation, Environmental Instruments Division, provides a broad array of products including air quality instruments for environmental compliance and water analysis products for laboratory and field testing and on-line process monitoring, as well as radiation instrumentation and homeland security solutions including nuclear, chemical, biological and trace explosive detection. |
Trimble Navigation |
Booth Number_#844 |
Stock Symbol_TRMB |
trimble.com |
7401 Church Ranch Blvd, Westminster, CO 80021 USA |
Internal PR Contact |
Colleen Miller/ Marketing Communications Program Manager |
720.887.4294 |
Fax |
Cell |
colleen_miller@trimble.com |
External PR Contact |
Cori Keeton-Pope/ Public Relations Manager |
Barnhart USA, 1819 Wazee, Denver, CO 80202 USA |
303.626.7248 |
Fax |
Cell |
ckpope@barnhartusa.com |
Company highlights |
Trimble is a leading innovator of GPS technology. In addition to providing advanced GPS components, Trimble augments GPS with other positioning technologies as well as wireless communications and software to create complete customer solutions. Trimble's unique capabilities position the Company for growth in emerging applications including surveying, military, navigation, machine guidance, asset tracking, wireless platforms, and telecommunications infrastructure. |
Triton Elics International |
Booth Number 1434 |
Stock Symbol N/A |
125 Westridge Drive Watsonville CA 95076 USA |
Internal PR Contact |
John Thomas/ Vice President Sales and Marketing |
(831) 722-7373 |
Fax (831) 722-1405 |
Cell (408) 691-7140 |
New at MARSEC |
HarborSuite TM, Image-Based Underwater Port Security System |
Product highlights |
Triton Elics International, a global leader in seafloor imaging software, has developed HarborSuiteTM, an image-based underwater port security system. Sensors and systems for rapid hull inspection, seafloor change detection, and underwater intrusion detection are integrated with an Underwater Situational Awareness Workstation (USAW). The combined system effectively addresses the underwater threat posed to our nation's harbors. |
Company highlights |
Triton Elics International, is a global leader in developing custom and COTS software products for acquiring, processing, interpreting, and visualizing seafloor and other marine image data. Commercial survey companies and Navies around the world have been using Triton products in demanding, real-world, search and survey missions for over 15 years. |
Booth Number 1023 |
Stock Symbol N/A |
UNITECH Speaker: |
Rear Admiral (RET) Paul Pluta, UNITECH SVP Homeland Security |
Session Topic: Table Top Exercise – Simulation of an Attack on a Port (Multi-media Presentation) |
Session Time: Day 2 Wednesday, Sept. 15, 9:30 – 11 |
Internal PR Contact |
Pam Scott/ Director, Corporate Communications |
UNITECH 2119A Bataan Road Redondo Beach CA 90278 USA |
Phone 310-793-9303 |
Fax 310) 793-9303 |
Cell |
pscott@unitech1.com |
Products introduced |
Crisis Management Simulation (CMS |
Product highlights ( |
UNITECH’s Crisis Management Simulation (CMS) is a technology-based, facilitated approach to delivering and analyzing training exercises for coordinating incident command, continuity of operations, and responder actions. CMS exercises provide a critical decision simulation environment that allows users to clearly identify shortfalls in planning, training, and operational policies and procedures. |
Company highlights |
In its most recent exercise simulation, UNITECH hosted a South Carolina regional exercise with over 1,000 participants, 53 agencies, and five venues, including a vessel in the Port of Charleston, a chemical plant, and hospitals. The purpose was to assess readiness to incidents involving chemical, radiological, and high-yield explosive attacks. |
Session Highlights |
A brief introduction and overview will be followed by an interactive multi-media simulation of an attack on a port. This simulation exercise will use participants from agencies that must react in these situations to show how Crisis Management Simulation scenarios can prepare workers for appropriate responses. Audience participation is encouraged. |
Speaker Background |
Mr. Paul Pluta, Senior Vice President of UNITECH, has more than 36 years of Coast Guard experience where he was the assistant commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection. He also served as the senior agency official for three major operational programs—marine safety, maritime security and environmental protection. Mike Michel is a UNITECH Program Manager with over 25 years experience in instructional technologies and presentation techniques. He currently manages a contract at the FBI Academy College of Analytical Studies where a recent class of students used scenario simulations to test their analysis skills and response to terrorist threats. |
Organization Background |
Our Homeland Security focus incorporates the best of computer training, simulations, maritime security solutions, and information technology services. For over a decade, UNITECH has provided Homeland Security-related solutions to all branches of the military, as well as local, state and federal agencies to help keep our nation safe. |
U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center |
Booth __728_ |
Stock Symbol N/A |
apgea.army.mil |
U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, 5183 Blackhawk Road, ATTN: AMSSB-RAS Bldg E-3330, Room 230, Aberdeen Proving Ground MD 21010-5424 USA |
Internal PR Contact |
Joan Miche/ Public Affairs Officer |
Phone_410/436-3610 |
Fax_410/436-6529_ |
Cell |
joan.michel@apgea.army.mil |
External PR Contact |
Rob Garretson/Director of Communications & Business Intelligence |
TRsG, Inc, 135 Little Quarry Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 USA |
Phone_301-980-4043 |
Fax_240-246-0098 |
Cell |
rgarretson@teamtrsg.com |
New at MARSEC |
Stations Of Robotic Monitoring (STORM) |
ECBC has developed a mobile biological testing capability with the new Stations of Robotic Monitoring (STORM) system. Based upon the very successful Automated Biological Agent Testing System, or ABATS, the STORM is a completely self-contained and mobile high-throughput automated biological testing system. Housed in a 28-foot trailer, the STORM can be towed by conventional light-duty trucks to any remote location, where it can conduct rapid analysis of biological threat agents, pathogens and toxins. Powered by a 30,000-watt generator and equipped with sophisticated air handling systems, the STORM is truly self-sufficient. STORM utilizes robotics, sophisticated assays and off-the-shelf analytic equipment to automate the complex biological analysis process, which pays huge dividends in efficiency and safety. When staffed with two technicians, the STORM can process approximately 150 samples per day, testing for seven unique threat agents simultaneously. To achieve the same results using classic microbiology techniques would require six laboratories and twelve technicians. In addition, STORM’s robotics enable parallel preparation and analysis of 98 samples. A traditional laboratory setting can accommodate only 10 samples at the same time. The STORM, which operates at Biological Safety Level 2 standards, allows for fast elimination of the 98 percent of test results that come back negative, leaving confirmatory testing for the 2 percent appearing to be positive. The high-throughput structure of the STORM reduces strain on labs that conduct confirmatory testing, such as ECBC’s Biological Safety Level 3 facility, which performs more labor intensive tests. The STORM will join ECBC’s wide ranging of chemical and biological service offerings during 2004 |
Verint Video Solutions |
Web www.verint.com |
Cheryl Wojcik |
Marketing Communications Specialist |
Phone 303.450.5916 |
Fax 303.450.5950 |
Cell 303.437.7276 |
VistaScape Security Systems |
Booth Number: 712 |
Stock Symbol: N/A |
vistascape.com |
VistaScape Security Systems 5901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Suite 550-B Atlanta, GA 30328 |
Internal PR Contact |
Heather Alexander/Manager, Corporate Communications |
P: 678-919-2363 |
halexander@vistascape.com |
External PR Contact |
Wade Coleman Senior Account Executive |
Blanc and Otus 3675 Crestwood Parkway, Suite 300 Duluth, GA 30096 |
p: (678) 477-1128 |
c: (678) 591-4706 |
wcoleman@blancandotus.com |
Company highlights |
VistaScape Security Systems provides Automated Wide-Area Surveillance Solutions through intelligent analysis of data from video and other sensors to detect threats, track, classify and issue alerts. VistaScape's solution delivers a complete view of a secure area, enabling security personnel to visually define and centrally manage an automated security policy. http://www.vistascape.com |
4D Security Solutions, Inc. |
Booth Number: #807 |
Stock Symbol: N/A |
4-Dsecurity.com |
Internal PR Contact: |
Joe Pipczynski, Jr./ Vice President Sales & Mrkt |
4D Security Solutions, Inc. 625 Madison Ave. City: New York State/Province: NY P/C: 10022-1811 USA |
(212) 588-2075 |
Fax: (212) 758-2971 |
Cell: (516) 429-2598 |
jpipczynski@4-Dsecurity.com |
New at MARSEC |
Product highlights: |
The SPI™ DETECTION SYSTEM is a site perimeter intelligence system providing all weather surveillance for critical assets (i.e. airports, power plants & refineries, borders & coastlines). Integrating wide area RF motion detection systems, with high resolution video PTZ camera systems and thermal night vision systems; the SPI™ processes the threat, wirelessly links it back to a command center and provides detailed deployment information to the intercepting forces. PROTECTZONE™ SECURITY RINGS is a critical asset surveillance system utilizing the vast operational experience of 4D to implement advanced technology, disciplined procedures and smart barriers in the implementation of surveillance rings, providing virtual and real deterrence and detection. Fully interoperable and implementing complete command and control, PROTECTZONE™ provides interactive surveillance in support of DHS mission goals! |
Company highlights: |
4D Security Solutions, Inc. - a division of Sentry Technology Group specializes in providing end-to-end security and communication solutions for a wide-array of Homeland Security applications. Backed by a powerful team consisting of The Related Group, Israeli Aircraft Industries, Netacs and Sentry Technology, 4D has at its disposal billions of dollars of security technology, interoperable communications and infrastructure development and hundreds of years of combined experience, providing a deep reservoir of technical, financial and strategic resources. |
Aura Systems, Inc. |
Booth # 1051 |
www.aurasystems.com |
PR Contact |
Dave Slaughter |
(310) 880-3803 |
dslaughter@aurasystems.com |
highlights |
Aura Systems, is a world leader in providing mobile electrical power security and manufacturer of the AuraGen®. The AuraGen® is an 8000-watt fully integrated underhood generator, providing 24/7 access to AC electrical power, using the primary vehicle or vessel engine. Electrical power is always available - just plug in and go. |
bd Systems, Inc. |
Booth Number 1350 |
Stock (Privately Held) |
cos.bdsys.com |
1915 Aerotech Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80916-4222 USA |
Internal PR Contact |
Bob Brown/ Business Development Mgr |
719.380.0031 |
Fax 719.380.1421 |
bob.brown@cos.bdsys.com |
Products introduced |
FIRST-Freeway Incident Response Services Tracking |
Highlighs |
Developed for the California Highway Patrol and LA Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the Freeway Incident Response Services Tracking system provides distributed incident management information to agencies throughout LA County. FIRST enables information free flow via dedicated telephone line, Internet and to the public to reduce freeway congestion and improve response times. Transportation Center Common Operating Picture (TC COP) TC COP provides Intermodal Transportation Centers with a system to respond efficiently to natural or man-made disasters or potentially disruptive events. The system integrates diverse tracking, inventory and enabling technologies to facilitate a complete interface with local emergency or allied agencies and presents a unified situational awareness to all involved. |
Company highlights |
bd Systems provides high technology engineering and information services to Federal, State, and local agencies to integrate key enabling technologies for Incident Response and Management, graphic display, computer aided dispatch, automatic vehicle location and radio frequency ID/tracking. Our Mission to provide world-class services and products means "Total Customer Satisfaction." |
The Boeing Company |
(Booth 1106) |
PR Contact |
Paige Z. Pace /Homeland Security & Services |
2201 Seal Beach Blvd, MC 110-SK77 Seal Beach, CA 90740 |
Phone: 562-797-4559 |
Mobile:562-673-1331 |
Fax: 562-797-3705 |
paige.z.pace@boeing.com |
Contact |
Peter Lauenstein, Boeing Homeland Security & Services, |
562-797-1244, |
peter.s.lauenstein@boeing.com, |
Company |
Boeing is at the forefront of successfully managing large, complex transformational programs as a lead systems integrator. The company is creating systems to enable unprecedented situational awareness across the homeland security landscape --from Customs and Border Patrol, to trucks on the road and container ships at sea, to activity at our nation's airports. |
C-Tech Ltd |
Booth 752 |
Stock N/A |
Internal PR Contact |
Bob Fraser/ Marketing Manager |
525 Boundary Road, Cornwall, ON, K6H 6N7, Canada |
Phone 613-933-7970__ |
Fax__613-933-7977 |
Cell N/A |
ctl.admin@c-techltd.com |
New at MARSEC |
Model CSDS-85 Swimmer Detection Sonar |
New Product Highlights |
C-Tech Ltd. has introduced its fourth generation Underwater Security Sonar. The CSDS-85 Swimmer Detection Sonar addresses the growing worldwide need to provide security for personnel and high value assets vulnerable to underwater threats. Compact and easily deployable, the CSDS-85 can be installed on the seabed, dockside or suspended from a ship to provide automatic detection and tracking capability. OMNI (360°) real-time operation assures effective coverage of the area to be protected. |
Company highlights |
C-Tech Ltd. is a diversified engineering and manufacturing company specialized in underwater acoustics, analog and digital electronic design as well as electromechanical design. Founded in 1969, the Company has since developed a wide range of innovative sonar systems for various applications. Our Omni Sonar systems are in use by Navies around the world. |
Coda Octopus |
Booth 1151 |
Stock Symbol CDOC |
codaoctopus.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Debra Barker/ Marketing |
CodaOctopus Ltd, Suite 3 Castle Farm Deddington Oxfordshire OX15 0TP UK |
Phone +44 1869 337570 |
Fax+44 1869 337571 |
Cell |
debra.barker@codaoctopus.com _ |
New at MARSEC |
Coda Echoscope MkII |
Product highlights |
Presenting the new Echoscope MkII, CodaOctopus is demonstrating its extraordinary technology which delivers high resolution real-time 3D images. Applications include harbour surveillance, swimmer detection, obstacle avoidance and vessel hull inspections. Its highly innovative design, high speed processing and intuitive image display software mean that it outperforms all other imaging sonar systems. |
Company highlights |
Leading manufacturer of systems and software for hydrographic and geophysical survey, CodaOctopus supplies military, commercial and academic customers around the world. In addition to specialised hardware and acquisition packages for UUVs our extensive range of systems includes the new Echoscope 3D real-time acoustic imaging sonar. |
Container Security Corp. |
Booth Number: 1451 |
sciguard.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Jordan Levi |
Container Security Corp. 17 Barstow Road Suite 210A, Great Neck NY 11021 USA |
Phone: 516-504-8800 |
Fax: 516-504-8200 C |
ell: 917-686-8300 |
E-mail: jordanlevi@sciguard.com |
New at MARSEC |
Product Highlights: |
Sciguard, is supported by patented technology developed by Container Security Corp. Sciguard can track and monitor the container from its departure point to its destination point. Sciguard is a completely automated system that shows you the location of the container, the integrity of the container and the contents inside the container. |
Company |
The focus of Container Security Corp. is to improve the security, reliability and efficiency of the containerized shipping industry. Our mission is to provide increased security from smuggling, cargo theft, and terrorism. Bringing benefits to Customs Agencies, Shippers, Carriers, and Insurers, without causing delays or adding significant cost. |
Diagnostic Instruments Ltd |
Booth: 1216 |
Contact Name |
Gareth Bruce Sales & Marketing Executive |
Tel: +44 (0)1506 470011 |
F:+44(0)1506470012 |
gareth.bruce@diaginst.co.uk |
Contact Name: |
Jim McNiven |
Phone: +44 1506 470011 |
jim.mcniven@ruggedhandheld.com |
highlights |
Diagnostic Instruments will be showcasing their new rugged computing platform. DI's handheld platforms are highly customizable, allowing customers to combine a range of specialist electronics (data acquisition, GPS, WiFi), sensors (radiation/gas detectors), or Auto ID technologies (RFID, SmartCard, barcode) with our existing field proven platforms. This allows you to create a handheld ideally suited for applications such as transportation security, border control or protecting critical infrastructures & assets. |
Gabriel Technologies Corporation |
Booth Number: # 1323 |
Stock Symbol: GWLK PINK SHEETS |
Internal PR Contact: |
Dan Chicoine - VP of Marketing/Investor Relations Officer |
Gabriel Technologies Corp. 4538 S 140th Street, Omaha, NE 68137 |
402.614.0258 (w) |
402.306.6943 (m) |
dchicoine@gabrieltechnologies.com |
External PR Contact |
Kristin Petrick / Associate Director of Account Services |
Ervin and Smith, Advertising & Public Relations, 16934 Frances Street Omaha, NE 68130 |
402.829.8023 (w) |
402.578.8182 (m) |
kristinp@ervinandsmith.com |
New at MARSEC |
Gabriel Technologies receives the Most Innovative New Product Award from the National Cargo Security Council for its WAR-LOK i-Series. The award-winning cargo locking system provides real world results for shippers. Designed in conjunction with industry security leaders, the WAR-LOK i-Series provides the highest level of deterrence to cargo and full container thefts in the intermodal and marine industries. |
Products introduced that you want to have profiled in a media Alert: |
WAR-LOK i-Series - Designed in conjunction with industry security leaders, the WAR-LOK i-Series provides the highest level of deterrence to cargo and full container thefts in the intermodal and marine industries. WAR-LOK t-Series - The WAR-LOK t-Series provides the highest level of deterrence to cargo and full container thefts in the trucking industry. And with 260 million key combinations possible and the ability to master key 20,000 different locks, WAR-LOK is the most effective-and convenient-lock yet. WAR-LOK r-Series - Designed specifically for the rail industry, the WAR-LOK r-Series prevents breeches in a number of boxcar types, ensuring complete boxcar protection. |
Product highlights |
With the implementation of our physical security product line, the WAR-LOK Series, and our tracking assisted GPS (aGPS) product line, Gabriel Technologies Corporation partners with the transportation/shipping industry to help apply the proper security measures to the risks they are concerned with reducing. Gabriel is poised to help our customers prevent theft and terrorism related issues, which affect our nation and world economies. |
Company highlights |
Gabriel's mission is to provide the highest quality security products available to the transportation and shipping industry - by creating innovative, proven technologies that can be implemented on a realistic basis. For more information on Gabriel Technologies and our family of products call 1.866.WARLOK1 or 402.614.0258. |
GE Security |
GE Infrastructure, Security, 300 W. Sixth St., Suite 1850 Austin, TX, 78701, U.S.A. |
Jay Pinkert |
Director, Marketing Programs & Communications |
T 512 381 2778 |
F 512 381 1773 |
M 512 417 7026 |
E jay.pinkert@ge.com |
Casey Fale |
(503) 589-8518 |
Grants Office, LLC Session |
Speaker Michael Paddock, CEO of |
Contracting with DHS, Including Small Business Opportunities |
Session Time Tuesday 9/15 1:40-3PM |
Internal PR Contact |
Emily Hake/ Marketing and Project Coordinator |
Grants Office, LLC, 25 Canterbury Road, Suite 201 Rochester NY |
585-473-1430 x-105 |
Fax585-473-1436 |
Cell |
ehake@grantsoffice.com |
New Product at MARSEC |
UPstream Web Services available at www.grantsoffice.com |
Products profiled |
Grants Office's UPstream grants information services |
Product highlights |
Federal and State grants information is captured by Grants Office and presented for government grantseekers and for the companies that sell to them. In the emerging public sector marketplace, companies work as trusted partners with their customers, helping them access resources they need to acheive their common objectives. |
Company highlights |
Grants Office makes municipalities, nonprofits, and their industry partners more successful in identifying and obtaining grant funds from government, and other sources. Grants Office's UPstream Web services allow municipalities and companies to access current, robust intelligence on federal and state funding opportunities across the range of functional areas. |
Session Highlights |
This session will provide information to companies and organizations interested in contracting with DHS to provide services, products, as well as scientific and technical rearch and development to advance the mission of DHS to lead the unified national effort to secure America |
Speaker Background |
Michael Paddock, CEO of Grants office, LLC, had lectured nationally on the opportunities and challenges that homeland security funding present to state and local first responders and the companies that keep them outfitted, informed, and in touch. His column on funding appears each month in the Homeland Defense Journal. |
Organization Background |
Grants Office makes municipalities, nonprofits, and their industry partners more successful in identifying and obtaining grant funds from government, and other sources. Grants Office's UPstream Web services allow municipalities and companies to access current, robust intelligence on federal and state funding opportunities across the range of functional areas. |
L-3 Communications |
Booth Number 1002 |
Stock Symbol LLL |
l-3com.com |
L-3 Communications Speaker |
George Mikolai, Senior Manager, Homeland Security Products, L-3 Communications Integrated Systems |
Session Topic Security of Cruise Lines, Tankers, and Other Non-Containerized Cargo |
Session Time Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:30 PM ROOM C |
Internal PR Contact |
Douglas Stevenson/ Director of Marketing |
L-3 Communications Security and Detection Systems 10 Commerce Way Woburn MA 01801 US |
Phone 781.970.1799 |
Fax 781.939.3996 |
Cell |
douglas.stevenson@l-3com.com |
External PR Contact |
Karen Lee/Senior Associate |
Burson-Marsteller, 1801 K Street, NW, Suite 1000-L Washington DC 20006 US |
Phone 202.530.4622 |
Fax 202.530.4500 |
Cell 703.966.1282 |
karen_lee-dc@was.bm.com |
Products to be profiled |
CX-3800M Mobile Cargo X-Ray System |
Product highlights |
L-3 Security and Detection Systems, a subsidiary of L-3 Communications, will display its state-of-the-art, road-legal CX-3800M mobile cargo X-ray inspection system at the Maritime Security Expo. The CX-3800M provides the highest quality images and greatest penetration available among competitive systems. It was developed to help customs and border inspectors, military security, and law enforcement agencies to verify manifests and detect explosives, weapons, stowaways, drugs, and other contraband. |
Company highlights |
Headquartered in New York City, L-3 Communications is a leading provider of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems and products, secure communications systems, aircraft modernization, training and government services, and is a merchant supplier of a broad array of high technology products. Its customers include the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, selected U.S. government intelligence agencies and aerospace prime contractors. |
Lockheed Martin |
Booth 948 |
Stock NYSE:LMT |
Lockheed Martin Speaker_ |
Dale Bennett |
Session Introduction |
Session Time _8:30 a.m. |
Internal PR Contact |
Julie Camardo/ Communications Representative |
199 Borton Landing Road__Mailstop: 102-103, Moorestown, NJ, 08057 USA |
Phone__856-722-7738 |
Fax_856-273-5744_ |
Cell 609-410-1296 |
External PR Contact |
Ken Ross/ Communications Senior Manager |
199 Borton Landing Road__Mailstop: 102-103, Moorestown, NJ, 08057 USA |
Phone856-722-6941 |
Fax856-273-5744 |
Cell 856-912-5802 |
Session Highlights ( |
Dale will be doing an introduction to the show as Lockheed Martin has been a corporate sponsor for three years. |
Speaker Background |
Dale P. Bennett was appointed vice president and general manager for Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems & Sensors’ (MS2) Coast Guard Systems line of business in December 2003. In this capacity, Mr. Bennett is responsible for existing and new business with the U.S. Coast Guard and will work to leverage full capabilities to ensure customer success and focus efforts on homeland security initiatives. Bennett plays a dual role as President of Integrated Coast Guard Systems, a join venture with Northrop Grumman that leads the Integrated Deepwater System for the Coast Guard, a critical multi-year, multi-billion dollar program to modernize and replace the Coast Guard’s aging ships and aircraft, command and control, and logistics systems. |
Organization Background |
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. |
Naval Undersea Warfare Center |
Booth Number 942 |
Stock N/A |
npt.nuwc.navy.mil |
1176 Howell Ave, Newport, RI 02841 |
Internal PR Contact |
Jim Pollock / Director, Homeland Security Programs |
401-832-3703 |
Fax 401-832-4661 |
External PR Contact |
Gary Steigerwald/ Public Affairs Officer |
401-832-3611 |
Fax 401-832-3035 |
Organization Background |
Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), part of the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), provides full-spectrum support for all aspects of undersea warfare for surface ships and submarines. We are the preeminent Navy resource for undersea warfare technology and are applying our resources and capabilities to provide innovative solutions for the Nation’s maritime security needs. |
RAE Systems |
Booth Number: # 843 |
( www.raesystems.com) |
Internal PR Contact: |
Richard Howell (not onsite at show) |
Silicon Valley Marketing Group, 74 Seward Street, San Francisco, CA 94114 |
(650) 346-7425 |
Onsite PR Contact: |
Bob Durstenfeld (onsite at show)/Director of Corporate Marketing |
(408) 585-3534 |
(408) 242-1029 cell |
RAE Systems, 1339 Moffett Park Drive |
PR Contact: |
Andrew West/Director, Marketing |
Vastera, 45025 Aviation Drive, Suite 300, Dulles, VA 20166-7554 USA |
Phone: (703) 661-9006 |
Fax:(703) 742-4556 |
Cell: (703) 999-4131 |
Speaker: |
Rudy Mui/Vice President of Marketing |
RAE Systems, 1339 Moffett Park Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 |
(408) 585-3500 |
New at MARSEC |
RAE Systems and Vastera are announcing the first integrated container sensing and logistics security solution for ocean cargo shipping. |
Product highlights |
RAE Systems and Vastera have joined forces to create an end-to-end security solution designed to keep the global supply chain safe and open. By integrating data from shipping manifests and a variety of wireless container sensor bundles, security personnel will have unparalleled visibility and active early warning into whether containers are dangerous, well before they arrive in port. |
Company highlights |
RAE Systems is a leading global developer and manufacturer of rapidly deployable, multi-sensor chemical detection monitors and networks for homeland security and industrial applications. RAE Systems’ products enable the military and first responders such as firefighters, law enforcement and other emergency management personnel to detect and provide early warning of weapons of mass destruction and other hazardous materials. |
Company highlights |
Vastera is the worldwide leader in providing solutions for Global Trade Management (GTM). Utilizing Vastera's GTM solutions, clients realize significant reductions in costs to manage their global trade operations while improving compliance with government regulations and service levels to end customers. |
Royal Caribbean Cruises |
Speaker: Captain Howard A. Newhoff, Manager, Security |
Session Topic: Cruiseline Security (part of workshop) |
Session Time: 9/15/04 - 3:30 - 5:00 PM |
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 1050 Caribbean Way, Miami, FL 33132 |
Phone: 305-539-6034 |
Fax: 305-539-6478 |
Cell: 305-606-4080 |
Email: hnewhoff@rccl.com |
Session highlights: |
Cruise vessel and facility security overview. Provide information related to vessel and facility security concerns and measures. Discuss security goals, operational standards, strategic direction and future initiatives. |
Speaker Background: |
Responsible for shore side security of all company cruise vessel facilities and terminals worldwide. Support our vessel Masters in onboard security matters including plans, equipment, intelligence and training. Liaison with international, federal and local law enforcement agencies worldwide concerning operational security and criminal matters. Insure that vessel and terminal operations comply with applicable security laws, regulations and policies. Monitor international maritime terrorism risks and threats. |
Organization Background: |
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is a global cruise vacation company that operates Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises, with a combined total of 29 ships in service and one under construction. The company also offers unique cruisetour vacations in Alaska, Canada and Europe. Additional information can be found on www.royalcaribbean.com or www.celebrity.com |
Thermo Electron Corporation |
Booth Number__850 |
Stock Symbol NYSE:TMO |
thermo.com |
Internal PR Contact |
Stephanie Kubina/ Marketing Communications Manager |
Thermo Electron Corporation, 355 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134-1991 USA |
Phone (408) 965-6022 |
Fax (408) 965-6150 |
Cell |
stephanie.kubina@thermo.com |
External PR Contact |
Elizabeth Burke/ Account Specialist |
Greenough Communications Boylston Street Boston MA 02116 |
Phone_(617) 275-6529 |
Fax__(617) 275-6501 |
Cell |
eburke@greenoughcom.com_ |
External PR Contact |
Kerstin Barr Account Supervisor |
Greenough Communications Boylston Street Boston MA 02116 |
Phone_(617) 275-6520___ |
Fax(617) 275-6501__ |
Cell 650-814-3785 |
kbarr@greenoughcom.com |
New at MARSEC |
Matrix MRDS |
Product highlights |
Matrix MRDS is a radiation threat detection network that provides real-time detection, analysis and location of radiation threats across predetermined areas from fixed or mobile command centers. Designed to help local governments enhance security, Matrix MRDS allows users to centrally process and analyze radiation detection data from numerous detection devices. |
Company highlights |
Thermo Electron Corporation, Environmental Instruments Division, provides a broad array of products including air quality instruments for environmental compliance and water analysis products for laboratory and field testing and on-line process monitoring, as well as radiation instrumentation and homeland security solutions including nuclear, chemical, biological and trace explosive detection. |
Trimble Navigation |
Booth Number_#844 |
Stock Symbol_TRMB |
trimble.com |
7401 Church Ranch Blvd, Westminster, CO 80021 USA |
Internal PR Contact |
Colleen Miller/ Marketing Communications Program Manager |
720.887.4294 |
Fax |
Cell |
colleen_miller@trimble.com |
External PR Contact |
Cori Keeton-Pope/ Public Relations Manager |
Barnhart USA, 1819 Wazee, Denver, CO 80202 USA |
303.626.7248 |
Fax |
Cell |
ckpope@barnhartusa.com |
Company highlights |
Trimble is a leading innovator of GPS technology. In addition to providing advanced GPS components, Trimble augments GPS with other positioning technologies as well as wireless communications and software to create complete customer solutions. Trimble's unique capabilities position the Company for growth in emerging applications including surveying, military, navigation, machine guidance, asset tracking, wireless platforms, and telecommunications infrastructure. |
Triton Elics International |
Booth Number 1434 |
Stock Symbol N/A |
125 Westridge Drive Watsonville CA 95076 USA |
Internal PR Contact |
John Thomas/ Vice President Sales and Marketing |
(831) 722-7373 |
Fax (831) 722-1405 |
Cell (408) 691-7140 |
New at MARSEC |
HarborSuite TM, Image-Based Underwater Port Security System |
Product highlights |
Triton Elics International, a global leader in seafloor imaging software, has developed HarborSuiteTM, an image-based underwater port security system. Sensors and systems for rapid hull inspection, seafloor change detection, and underwater intrusion detection are integrated with an Underwater Situational Awareness Workstation (USAW). The combined system effectively addresses the underwater threat posed to our nation's harbors. |
Company highlights |
Triton Elics International, is a global leader in developing custom and COTS software products for acquiring, processing, interpreting, and visualizing seafloor and other marine image data. Commercial survey companies and Navies around the world have been using Triton products in demanding, real-world, search and survey missions for over 15 years. |
Booth Number 1023 |
Stock Symbol N/A |
UNITECH Speaker: |
Rear Admiral (RET) Paul Pluta, UNITECH SVP Homeland Security |
Session Topic: Table Top Exercise – Simulation of an Attack on a Port (Multi-media Presentation) |
Session Time: Day 2 Wednesday, Sept. 15, 9:30 – 11 |
Internal PR Contact |
Pam Scott/ Director, Corporate Communications |
UNITECH 2119A Bataan Road Redondo Beach CA 90278 USA |
Phone 310-793-9303 |
Fax 310) 793-9303 |
Cell |
Products introduced |
Crisis Management Simulation (CMS |
Product highlights ( |
UNITECH’s Crisis Management Simulation (CMS) is a technology-based, facilitated approach to delivering and analyzing training exercises for coordinating incident command, continuity of operations, and responder actions. CMS exercises provide a critical decision simulation environment that allows users to clearly identify shortfalls in planning, training, and operational policies and procedures. |
Company highlights |
In its most recent exercise simulation, UNITECH hosted a South Carolina regional exercise with over 1,000 participants, 53 agencies, and five venues, including a vessel in the Port of Charleston, a chemical plant, and hospitals. The purpose was to assess readiness to incidents involving chemical, radiological, and high-yield explosive attacks. |
Session Highlights |
A brief introduction and overview will be followed by an interactive multi-media simulation of an attack on a port. This simulation exercise will use participants from agencies that must react in these situations to show how Crisis Management Simulation scenarios can prepare workers for appropriate responses. Audience participation is encouraged. |
Speaker Background |
Mr. Paul Pluta, Senior Vice President of UNITECH, has more than 36 years of Coast Guard experience where he was the assistant commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection. He also served as the senior agency official for three major operational programs—marine safety, maritime security and environmental protection. Mike Michel is a UNITECH Program Manager with over 25 years experience in instructional technologies and presentation techniques. He currently manages a contract at the FBI Academy College of Analytical Studies where a recent class of students used scenario simulations to test their analysis skills and response to terrorist threats. |
Organization Background |
Our Homeland Security focus incorporates the best of computer training, simulations, maritime security solutions, and information technology services. For over a decade, UNITECH has provided Homeland Security-related solutions to all branches of the military, as well as local, state and federal agencies to help keep our nation safe. |
U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center |
Booth __728_ |
Stock Symbol N/A |
apgea.army.mil |
U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, 5183 Blackhawk Road, ATTN: AMSSB-RAS Bldg E-3330, Room 230, Aberdeen Proving Ground MD 21010-5424 USA |
Internal PR Contact |
Joan Miche/ Public Affairs Officer |
Phone_410/436-3610 |
Fax_410/436-6529_ |
Cell |
joan.michel@apgea.army.mil |
External PR Contact |
Rob Garretson/Director of Communications & Business Intelligence |
TRsG, Inc, 135 Little Quarry Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 USA |
Phone_301-980-4043 |
Fax_240-246-0098 |
Cell |
rgarretson@teamtrsg.com |
New at MARSEC |
Stations Of Robotic Monitoring (STORM) |
Product highlights |
ECBC has developed a mobile biological testing capability with the new Stations of Robotic Monitoring (STORM) system. Based upon the very successful Automated Biological Agent Testing System, or ABATS, the STORM is a completely self-contained and mobile high-throughput automated biological testing system. Housed in a 28-foot trailer, the STORM can be towed by conventional light-duty trucks to any remote location, where it can conduct rapid analysis of biological threat agents, pathogens and toxins. Powered by a 30,000-watt generator and equipped with sophisticated air handling systems, the STORM is truly self-sufficient. STORM utilizes robotics, sophisticated assays and off-the-shelf analytic equipment to automate the complex biological analysis process, which pays huge dividends in efficiency and safety. When staffed with two technicians, the STORM can process approximately 150 samples per day, testing for seven unique threat agents simultaneously. To achieve the same results using classic microbiology techniques would require six laboratories and twelve technicians. In addition, STORM’s robotics enable parallel preparation and analysis of 98 samples. A traditional laboratory setting can accommodate only 10 samples at the same time. The STORM, which operates at Biological Safety Level 2 standards, allows for fast elimination of the 98 percent of test results that come back negative, leaving confirmatory testing for the 2 percent appearing to be positive. The high-throughput structure of the STORM reduces strain on labs that conduct confirmatory testing, such as ECBC’s Biological Safety Level 3 facility, which performs more labor intensive tests. The STORM will join ECBC’s wide ranging of chemical and biological service offerings during 2004 |
Verint Video Solutions |
Web www.verint.com |
Cheryl Wojcik |
Marketing Communications Specialist |
Phone 303.450.5916 |
Fax 303.450.5950 |
Cell 303.437.7276 |
VistaScape Security Systems |
Booth Number: 712 |
Stock Symbol: N/A |
vistascape.com |
VistaScape Security Systems 5901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Suite 550-B Atlanta, GA 30328 |
Internal PR Contact |
Heather Alexander Manager, Corporate Communications |
P: 678-919-2363 |
halexander@vistascape.com |
External PR Contact |
Wade Coleman Senior Account Executive |
Blanc and Otus 3675 Crestwood Parkway, Suite 300 Duluth, GA 30096 |
p: (678) 477-1128 |
c: (678) 591-4706 |
wcoleman@blancandotus.com |
Company highlights |
VistaScape Security Systems provides Automated Wide-Area Surveillance Solutions through intelligent analysis of data from video and other sensors to detect threats, track, classify and issue alerts. VistaScape's solution delivers a complete view of a secure area, enabling security personnel to visually define and centrally manage an automated security policy. http://www.vistascape.com |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Lexington Marketing International |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office