PR Contacts |
CTI EXPO Spring '99 |
Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC |
May 24-26, 1999 |
May 1999 |
CTI EXPO Spring '99 Trade Show contacts
Exhibitor |
Booth |
Contact |
Telephone |
Addi contacts |
3Com Corporation |
340 |
120 |
Scott McCollum |
scott@access-corp.com |
310-574-4526 |
Active Voice |
1015 |
Aculab USA, Inc. |
1141 |
Mike Ross |
mike.ross@aculab.com |
850-763-9281 |
Acxiom Corporation |
209 |
Martha Phillips |
mphillips@dataquick.com |
619-597-3219 |
Advanstar |
777 |
David White |
dwhite@advanstar.com |
714-513-8400 |
AFSM International |
660 |
Ron Churchill |
rchurchill@afsmi.org |
941-275-7887 |
1039 |
Tami Smith |
alesys@alesys.com |
352-336-8900 |
Altigen Communications |
Tracy Oliver |
toliver@altigen.com |
510-252-9712 |
American Power Conversion |
353 |
Wayne Marcotte |
wmarcott@apcc.com |
401-789-5735 |
jdexter@apcc.com |
American ProImage, Inc. |
939 |
Carson Tang |
ctang@aproimage.com |
714-736-9299 |
Amtelco |
1228 |
James A Becker |
jim@amtelcom.com |
608-838-4194 |
Andrea Electronics |
239 |
Jean Mulry |
jmulry@andreaelectronics.com |
516-719-1800 |
Appomattox Basin Industrial Development Corporation ABIDCO- |
659 |
Jay Langston |
pldowney@abidco.com |
804-732-8971 |
APPRO International |
653 |
Sandy Wong |
sandy@appro.com |
408-941-8100 |
APS Checks |
1115 |
Arise Computer, Inc. |
457 |
Allen Hsu |
allen@arisecomputer.com |
650-428-0868 |
Arkansas Aeroplex |
666 |
Clif Chitwood |
aeroplex@missconet.com |
870-532-2100 |
Artisoft, Inc. |
839, 605, 1015 |
Joely Ann Gaida |
jgaida@artisoft.com |
617-354-0600 |
Aspect Telecommunications |
754 |
Mary A. Louder |
mary.louder@aspect.com |
408-325-4170 |
AT&T Language Line |
542 |
Chrissie Jahn |
cjahn@lls.att.com |
831-648-7538 |
563 |
Victoria Smart |
victoria@ataconnect.org |
818-766-5324 |
AudioCodes |
1146 |
Maria Lau |
maria.lau@audiocodes.com |
408-577-0488 |
AutoScribe |
1216 |
Robert Pollin |
rpollin@autoscribe.com |
800-345-7243 |
AVT Corporation |
605, 1019 |
Angela Banbury |
abanbury@avtc.com |
425-825-3397 |
Axiom Technology, Inc. |
454 |
Yvonne Wu |
yvonne@axiomtek.com |
626-934-1199 |
BFI Communications |
367 |
James Barksdale |
614-358-9234 |
Black Ice Software, Inc. |
715 |
Lisa Pitcher |
lpitcher@blackice.sendfax.com |
603-673-1019 |
Blue Lake |
1220 |
Blue Pumpkin Software, Inc. |
605 |
Shannon Hughes |
shughes@blue-pumpkin.com |
650-429-6324 |
Borg-Warner Staffing |
Joseph W Arwady |
arwady@bwprotective.com |
973-397-2234 |
BrightArrow Technologies |
1015 |
Brooktrout Software |
715 |
Stephanie Ide |
steph@brooktrout.com |
781-449-4100 |
Buffalo International |
433 |
Gary Katz |
gkatz@buffalo-intl.com |
914-747-8500 |
gzimmermann@opencti.com |
C. Associates |
466 |
John Capozzi |
john@cassociates.com |
202-518-8595 |
Callware Technologies |
605, 1019 |
Karen Jewell |
kjewell@callware.com |
801-984-1100 |
Capital One |
719 |
Lisa Hloros |
lisa.hloros@capitalone.com |
813-207-3144 |
Carlo Gavazzi, Inc. |
437 |
Caryn Banks |
carynb@mupac.com |
508-588-6110 |
Carnegie International Corporation |
141 |
Gary Dahne |
gdahne@carnegieint.com |
410-785-7400 |
Casio PhoneMate, Inc. |
561 |
Mary Chan |
mchan@casiophonemate.com |
310-618-9910 |
CC News |
657 |
Alison Harris |
aharris@ccnews.com |
207-846-0600 |
sslezak@ccnews.com |
CCS Trexcom |
445 |
Gaye Markley |
gmarkley@ccsivr.com |
770-441-3114 |
CellIT |
805, 870 |
Susie LaCour |
slacour@cellit.com |
925-258-0825 |
CellIT’s Live Blended Multimedia Call Center |
905 |
Centerforce Technologies |
935 |
Marlene Rosati |
mrosati@cforcetech.com |
301-272-2246 |
Centrepoint Technologies |
347 |
Cincom Systems Inc. |
252 |
Cynthia Smith |
csmith@cincom.com |
513-612-2112 |
ddyer@cincom.com |
Cisco Systems |
516, 469, 870 |
Mollyn Shew |
mshew@cisco.com |
972-813-5090 |
CLEC/ISP Enhanced Services Learning Center |
1027 |
Comdial Corporation |
352 |
Stephanie Easter |
seaster@comdial.com |
804-978-2327 |
Comfort Telecommunications |
365 |
John Minto |
sales@comfortel.com |
941-945-3224 |
Commware Technologies |
715 |
Katherine Eckhardt |
tty_mail@commware-tech.com |
301-474-5723 |
Compass Teleservices |
1115 |
Katie Dougherty |
kdougherty@compassisc.com |
800-793-2345 |
Composit Communications |
605 |
David Borts |
david.borts@composit.net |
760-918-2601 |
Computer Telephony Institute |
Deb Van Overbeek |
dvanoverbeek@ctinstitute.com |
925-831-3110 |
ComputerUser |
1225 |
Dave Burris |
dave@userweb.com |
410-468-0710 |
Consultant’s Corner |
1005 |
Conway Data |
Paul Newman |
paul.newman@conway.com |
770-446-6996 |
Copia International |
142 |
Dorothy Gaden-Flanagan |
dorothy@copia.com |
630-778-8898 |
Corepoint |
825 |
Liz Sanders |
elizabeth.sanders@corepoint.com |
540-636-1494 |
Crystal Group |
845 |
Deanna Montgomery |
deanna.montgomery@crystalpc.com |
319-378-1636 |
sjbemboom@crystalpc.com jack_zumwalt@cmfz.com |
CT Pioneers |
751 |
CTI EXPO Sales |
959 |
Hilary Inman |
hinman@tmcnet.com |
203-852-6800 |
CTL, Inc. |
605 |
Scott Marks |
smarks@ctlinc.com |
203-925-4266 |
Cyber Marketing Services |
324 |
Sheri Greenhause |
tele-info@telemkt.com |
201-862-0186 |
Database Systems |
941 |
David Knight |
sales@dscl.com |
602-265-5968 |
Data-Tel Info Solutions |
238 |
Andrea Dahl |
andreadahl@hotmail.com |
602-844-5154 |
Davox Corporation |
305 |
Nicole Rodgers |
nicoler@answersoft.com |
972-997-8439 |
Delta Three |
1027 |
Dialog Software |
344 |
Scott Galin |
sgalin@dialogsoft.com |
212-697-2690 |
Dialogic Corporation |
1015 |
Dictaphone Corporation |
135 |
Jack Wilkins |
jwilk@dictaphone.com |
203-381-7118 |
Digi International |
605 |
Alan Ainsworth |
kari_seas@dgii.com |
612-912-3102 |
Digisoft Computers, Inc. |
760 |
Andrew Davidson |
andrew@digisoft.com |
212-687-1810 |
Direct ResponSource |
664 |
Denise Segarra |
denise@cci-drs.com |
787-728-3000 |
Dispatch Central |
1217 |
Lanny Lewis Sam Sklaroff |
llewis@dispatch-central.com |
610-941-3000 |
llewis@acsgroupinc.com |
Divaris Real Estate / Netpark |
857 |
DM News |
1209 |
Theresa Pang |
theresa@dmnews.com |
212-925-7300 |
Dynamic Instruments |
1046 |
Joanne Moyer |
jmoyer@dynamicinst.com |
619-278-4900 |
Dynamics, Inc. |
1137 |
Silvia Franco |
sfranco@dyninc.com |
703-968-8010 |
EIS International |
325 |
Laura Van Slyke |
lvanslyke@eisi.com |
703-326-8391 |
Enterprise Messaging Services |
668 |
Rich Brucker |
richard@emessages.com |
610-701-7002 |
Envox US, Ltd. |
1134 |
Faron Richards |
faron@envox.com |
941-793-0863 |
eShare Technologies |
1138 |
Kim DiGangi |
kim.digangi@eshare.com |
516-864-4700 |
ESI Estech Systems, Inc.- |
227 |
Bryce Wray |
bwray@esi-estech.com |
972-422-9700 |
e-Voice Communications |
1221 |
Werner Kieke |
wkieke@evoicecomm.com |
408-991-9988 |
346 |
Helmut Koch |
h_koch@exacom.com |
603-228-0706 |
Executone Information Systems |
605 |
Keri O'Loughlin |
oloughlin@executone.com |
203-882-6311 |
Eyretel, Inc. |
241 |
Angela Peters |
angela.peters@eyretel-usa.com |
301-586-1900 |
F Squared Laboratories |
1238 |
Victoria Rachel |
vicki@f2e.com |
301-253-4500 |
norman@f2e.com |
Falcon Communications |
225 |
Joe Martin |
jmartin@look.net |
703-393-2006 |
Figment Technologies, Inc. |
222 |
Mark Aqui |
mark@figment.net |
416-225-7913 |
First Sierra Financial |
1231 |
Mike Faella |
mikefaella@firstsierra.com |
908-722-1992 |
Flexion |
605 |
Kristina Turner |
kristina_turner@flexion.com |
650-378-1306 |
Fredericksburg Regional Alliance |
662 |
Genesys |
328, 605 |
Inna Kats |
inna@genesyslab.com |
415-437-1104 |
lynda@genesyslab.com lynda kate 415- 551-2868 |
Genoa Technology |
758 |
Cori Perrigo |
cperrigo@gentech.com |
805-531-9030 |
Geotel Communications Corporation |
441 |
Jennifer Robinson |
jenniferr@geotel.com |
978-275-5165 |
Hammer Technologies, Inc. |
953 |
Mariana Haven |
mhaven@hammer.com |
978-694-9959 |
Hypercom Network Systems |
1044 |
Stephanie Rhoad |
srhoad@hypercom.com |
602-504-5196 |
IBM Corporation |
637 |
Wendy Young |
wendyy@us.ibm.com |
561-443-8108 |
I-Bus, Inc. |
1119 |
Brian van de Mark |
bvandemark@maxwell.com |
619-503-5111 |
IDT Corporation |
469 |
IEX Corporation |
223 |
Nancy Zimmerman |
nzimm@deimos.iex.com |
972-301-4847 |
IFace.com |
715 |
Jeffrey Dworkin |
jeff@iface.com |
732-398-1600 |
246 |
Annie Valle |
annie.valle@imaedge.com |
949-622-6200 |
Industrial Computer Source |
645 |
Marty Kleine |
mkleine@indcompsrc.com |
619-677-0877 |
Infinite Technologies |
559 |
Allan Carter |
allan@infinitemail.com |
410-363-1097 |
deshon_ray@infinitemail.com |
INFO Systems |
663 |
Moise Benedid |
talkie@interlog.com |
416-665-7638 |
INOVA Corporation |
1205 |
Geoff LeBlond |
gleblond@inovacorp.com |
804-817-8000 |
Intecom |
605 |
Lisa Nelson |
lnelson@obiwan.intecom.com |
972-855-8206 |
Interactive Intelligence |
625 |
Nichole Haller |
nicholeh@inter-intelli.com |
317-872-3000 |
joea@inter-intelli.com christineh@inter-intelli.com |
Interior Concepts |
460 |
Christine Jacobs |
intcon@novagate.com |
616-842-5550 |
Internet Telephony Learning Center |
469 |
Intersis |
605 |
Randal DePriest |
rad@intersis-us.com |
770-980-6615 |
Inter-Tel |
1133 |
Lana Kwok Yosick |
lana_yosick@inter-tel.com |
602-961-9000 |
ITOX, Inc., a DFI Company |
115 |
Michele Ostrowski |
mostrowski@itox.com |
732-390-2815 |
ITServ, Inc. |
139 |
Tom Zinzi |
zinzi@itserv.com |
301-948-0170 |
Iwatsu America |
448 |
Don Gant |
dgant@nj.iwatsu.com |
201-935-8580 |
Lance Gilman Commercial Real Estate |
1037 |
Kim Tun |
spindr5@aol.com |
775-852-4700 |
Lefort Group |
459 |
Mary McGregor |
info@lefortgroup.com |
407-772-0165 |
Lernhout & Hauspie |
813 |
Christine Fromm |
cfromm@lhs.com |
781-238-0960 |
Lucent Technologies |
505, 870, 1027, 1019 |
Vonna O'Neill |
voneill@lucent.com |
908-953-7123 |
Maisoft |
1019 |
Mapletree Networks |
343 |
Eva Daly |
edaly@mapletreenetworks.com |
781-461-4376 |
Martek Global Services Inc |
John Tornillo |
mtornillo@martekglobal.com |
703-406-6718 |
Maryland Dept. Business & Economic Development |
658 |
Juanita Ruth One |
Mastermind Technologies |
715 |
Paula Rothe |
prothe@mmtmail.com |
202-298-8500 |
MCCT Macomber Communications & Computer Technology- |
565 |
John Dean |
jd@mcct.com |
603-524-2214 |
MCK Communications |
245 |
Amy Gelpey |
amy_gelpey@mck.com |
617- 454-6131 |
MediaPhonics |
605 |
Myriam Callot |
m.callot@mediaphonics.com |
214-321-5130 |
MegaHertz – NKO |
567 |
Beth Hansel |
bhansel@nko.com |
904-737-3181 |
Melita International |
833 |
Mercom |
228 |
Bob Jagendorf |
bob.jagendorf@mercom.com |
201-507-8800 |
MicroAutomation |
958 |
Dave McCrabb |
dmccrabb@microaut.com |
703-378-7000 |
Microlog |
335 |
Scott Rover |
scottr@mlog.com |
301-428-9100 |
david@mlog.com |
Microsoft Corporation |
605, 1015 |
Julie Johnston |
juliejo@email.msn.com |
360-863-8411 |
Microsoft Partner Pavilion |
605 |
Millennium Teleservices |
1040 |
Cassandra Brett |
brettc@civicdevelopment.com |
888-252-5689 |
122, 1027 |
Ilan Melamad |
ilan@mindcti.com |
201-569-6967 |
barbara@mindcti.com |
Motorola |
605, 469 |
Mystique Lines |
aml011@namerica.mot.com |
512-583-2345 |
MUSIC Telecom |
945 |
Paula Jensen |
pj@music-ic.com |
908-979-1010 |
Mustang Software |
216 |
Bob Allman |
bob.allman@mustang.com |
661-873-2500 |
brandi@sspr.com |
Natural MicroSystems & Natural MicroSystems Partner Pavilion |
715 |
Katherine Scott-White |
kathy_scott-white@nmss.com |
508-271-1339 |
NBX Corporation |
Miriam Gaylin |
mgaylin@nbxcorp.com |
978-749-0000 |
Netaccess |
546 |
Dick Sterry |
dick_sterry@netacc.com |
603-898-1800 |
Netcentric |
1027 |
Netpark Tampabay |
Henry McClure |
hamc@gte.net |
813-621-7575 |
Netphone Inc. |
858 |
Michael Katz |
mkatz@netphone.com |
508-787-1000 |
Netrix Corporation |
851 |
Tony Morris |
shale@netrix.com |
703-793-2018 |
NICE Systems |
444 |
Audrey Ple |
audple@dees.com |
604-207-0600 |
Noble Systems Corporation |
1036 |
Maria Dixon |
mdixon@noblesys.com |
404-851-1331 |
Nortel |
Kathleen O'Brien |
kathobri@nt.com |
408-565-2131 |
Nortel Networks |
526, 605, 1019 |
Joan Long |
joanlong@nortelnetworks.com |
972-684-8573 |
Nova CTI |
205 |
Sean Callahan |
508- 636-0700 |
NTS Marketing |
558 |
Charles E Judd |
cej@j4-group.com |
804-947-0000 |
Nuance Communications |
234 |
Aimee Mikolasik |
aimee@nuance.com |
650-847-7723 |
Nuera Communications, Inc. |
133, 469 |
Jill King |
jking@nuera.com |
619-625-9220 |
Oglethorpe Power Corporation |
662 |
OKI Network Technologies |
533, 469 |
Robert Pearlstein |
rpearl@okint.com |
408-935-3319 |
Ormandy |
937 |
Foad Monajem |
foad@ormandy.com |
770-455-6789 |
Ottawa Economic Development Corporation |
1223 |
Sandra Matthews |
smatthews@ocd.on.ca |
613-236-3500 |
PageTalk |
1218 |
Alan Berger |
alan@pagetalk.com |
516-569-0606 |
PakNetX Inc. |
739 |
Jennifer Trevor |
jtrevor@paknetx.com |
603-890-6616 |
Parlance Corporation |
1054 |
Al Mitchell |
amitchell@parlance-ncs.com |
888-289-4458 |
Paylinx |
605 |
Roberto Lozano |
bob@paylinx.com |
314-692-0929 |
Periphonics |
233 |
Diane Domke |
diane.domke@peri.com |
516-468-9334 |
Phoenix Technologies |
364 |
Paul Amick |
paula@phoenixtechnologies.com |
800-379-3646 |
Phone+ Magazine/ Virgo Publishing |
144 |
Janice White |
janicew@vpico.com |
602-990-1101 |
Phonetic Systems |
1033 |
Heather Howland |
hhowland@phoneticsystems.com |
781-229-5823 |
Picazo Communications |
605, 870 |
Heather Zacny |
hzacny@picazo.com |
972-866-2000 |
Pitney Bowes |
127 |
Bud Friend - 5505 |
friendbu@pb.com |
203-351-7226 |
POINT Information Systems |
733 |
Erik Haagensen |
erik.haagensen@pointinfo.com |
770-551-1963 |
Praxon, Inc. |
136, 870 |
Christine Jessup |
cjessup@praxon.com |
408-871-1600 |
Pronexus |
605 |
Lara Clarke |
lara@pronexus.com |
613-271-8989 |
PROTECH Communications |
577 |
David Lloyd |
info@protechcom.com |
800-468-8371 |
Protocol Communications |
257 |
Kent Blasiar |
kblasiar@protocolusa.com |
504-867-1585 |
Qronus Interactive |
943 |
Ron Winograd |
ron_winograd@qronus.com |
408-822-5394 |
Quicknet Technologies, Inc. |
148 |
Elaine Stathakis |
estathakis@quicknet.com |
415-864-5225 |
Quintus Corporation |
317 |
Lisa Shafer |
lisa.shafer@quintus.com |
212-521-4199 |
QWIZ, Inc. |
557 |
Melanie Singleton |
msingleton@qwiz.com |
770-650-8008 |
Racal Recorders |
545 |
C.J. Elias-West |
celias-west@racalusa.com |
703-709-7114 |
RadVision |
715 |
Yasmin Ben Dror |
yasmin@radvision.com |
201-529-4300 |
Redwood Technologies |
376 |
Martin Taylor |
mht@redwoodtech.com |
440-134-4304 344 |
Registry Magic, Inc. |
468 |
John Iacovelli |
john.iacovelli@registrymagic.com |
561-367-0408 |
Registry Magic’s Virtual Booth Locator |
919 |
RMH Teleservices |
819 |
Paul Burkett |
blackley3@aol.com |
610-520-5300 |
Rockwell Electronic Commerce Division |
534, 605 |
Linda Cazan |
cazan@ecd.rockwell.com |
630-227-7419 |
Romak Office Systems |
1140 |
John Ochsner |
romakinc@ucmail.com |
719-391-1991 |
Samsung Telecommunications America |
316 |
Edie Rodetsky |
erodetsk@telecom.sna.samsung.com |
305-592-2900 |
Shelcad Engineering |
775 |
Liat Grovais |
liat@shelcad.com |
972-482-1084 4 |
Shoreline Teleworks |
870 |
Siemens Business Communications Systems |
605 |
Greg Ryan |
greg.p.ryan@icn.siemens.com |
408-492-6245 |
ed.rebello@icn.siemens.com |
Simware |
242 |
Jennifer Poulsen |
poulsen@simware.com |
613-228-5157 |
Site Selection Magazine |
662 |
smallwonder! Softworks |
560 |
Bill Maynard |
maynard@smallwondersoftworks.com |
520-721-7046 |
1227 |
Gigi Thorpe |
socap@aol.com |
703-519-3700 |
Society of Telecommunications Consultants STC- |
1147 |
Susan Kuttner |
stcsk@internetmci.com |
831-659-0110 |
Sounding Board Magazine/ Virgo Publishing |
144 |
Janice White |
janicew@vpico.com |
602-990-1101 |
Spectrum Corporation |
540 |
Dan Boehm |
dan@specorp.com |
713-944-6200 |
SpeechWorks International, Inc. formerly ALTech- |
745 |
Alison Buck |
alison.buck@speechworks.com |
617-428-4444 |
peterg@schwartz-pr.com |
SpeedPay |
265 |
John LaPorte |
johnl@speedpay.com |
800-252-9638 |
St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce |
220 |
George Haygood |
slccom@gate.net |
561-398-1460 |
StorageTek |
119 |
Charmaine Jones |
charmaine.jones@network.com |
612-424-4888 |
Symon Communications |
544 |
Elaine Rossi |
erossi@symon.com |
281-240-5555 |
Syntellect |
539 |
Susan Harman |
sharman@syntellect.com |
800-347-9907 |
Tapestry Integration Specialists, Inc. |
960 |
Angie Cohen |
angie.cohen@tapestry.com |
314-344-0066 |
TAPI 3.0 Learning Center |
1015 |
Target Distributing |
1234 |
Danny Cohen |
targetdist@aol.com |
301-770-9400 |
TargetVision |
140 |
Laurie Enos |
lenos@targetvision.com |
716-248-0550 |
Targus Information Corporation |
123 |
Dennis Ainge |
dennisainge@targusinfo.com |
703-847-6200 |
Technology Marketing Corporation |
451 |
TEK DigiTel Corporation |
347 |
Thomas Yang |
tyang@tekdigitel.com |
301-428-9798 |
TelAthena Systems |
118 |
Mark Intregila |
mintregi@telathena.com |
888-777-7565 |
Telecom Business/ Multimedia Publishing |
575 |
David Miller |
dmiller@mpcshows.com |
713-974-5252 |
Telecom Reseller |
1211 |
Douglas Green |
publisher@usernews.com |
360-260-9708 |
TeleDirect International, Inc. |
551 |
Sue-Ellen Jacobs |
sjacobs@tdirect.com |
602-585-6464 |
Telegenix, Inc. |
776 |
Ross Murdock |
sales@telegenix.com |
609-424-5220 |
Telekol Corporation |
605, 1019 |
Kristina Ferrari |
kferrari@telekol.com |
781-487-7100 |
Telespectrum Worldwide |
1139 |
Jennifer McChesney |
jmcchesney@telespectrum.com |
610-878-7626 |
Telesynergy Research, Inc. |
126 |
Jackie Moon |
jackie.moon@telesynergy.com |
408-260-9970 |
michelle.tsai@telesynergy.com michelle tsai |
Texas Digital |
1048 |
Texas Micro, Inc. |
715 |
Sandy Travis |
sandyt@texasmicro.com |
713-541-8200 |
The Alter Group |
764 |
Barbara Riekse |
briekse@aol.com |
800- 637-4842 |
Thomas & Betts |
576 |
Tom O'Hara |
tom_ohara@tnb.com |
334-738-2711 |
TMC Surveys |
766 |
Hilary Inman |
hinman@tmcnet.com |
203-852-6800 |
TMCnet.com |
665 |
Hilary Inman |
hinman@tmcnet.com |
203-852-6800 |
Tornado Development |
1027 |
Touchwave |
326, 870 |
Susanne Rasmussen |
abrown@tmcnet.com |
650-210-9434 |
Triple P USA |
661 |
Shawn Parandeh |
ppp2@triplep-usa.com |
703-934-0307 |
Ulysses Training Corporation |
1123 |
Mark W Brodsky |
mbrodsky@ulyssestraining.com |
704-892-0809 |
Unified Messaging Learning Center |
1019 |
Unitel Corporation |
1145 |
Andrea Silcox |
asilcox@unitelcorp.com |
800-425-0000 |
University of Denver |
1224 |
Vincent Plymell |
vplymell@du.edu |
303-871-3960 |
137 |
Visual Information Services Corp. |
1213 |
Ed Applegate |
eapplegate@visualinfocorp.com |
717-445-0984 |
Vive Synergies, Inc. |
762 |
Carl Teo |
carl@vive.com |
905-882-6107 |
Voice Technologies Group VTG- |
240 |
Kathy E Apenowich |
apenowke@vtg.com |
716-639-3255 |
lisa@ccwny.com |
Voice/Data Switches Learning Center |
870 |
Voiceware Systems |
125 |
Brian Betron |
brian@voiceware.net |
561-655-1770 |
VXI Corporation |
1229 |
Hank Gale |
gale@vxicorp.com |
603-742-2888 |
WebCallBack |
675 |
Sam Murray |
smurray@webcallback.com |
800-705-5033 |
Whitecap Development Corporation |
605 |
Howard Jacobs |
hjacobs@whitecap.com |
781-246-3343 |
jkatzman@rogerscom.com sjcohen@whitecap.com |
Wildfire Communications |
1027 |
Witness Systems |
224 |
Jennifer Helton |
jhelton@witsys.com |
770-754-1959 |
Wuttke Associates |
538 |
Jeff Jeffries |
pmwuttke@aol.com |
703-541-1070 |
X-Change Magazine/ Virgo Publishing |
144 |
Janice White |
janicew@vpico.com |
602-990-1101 |