PR Contacts |
ICCM '99/CRMS '99 |
Lakeside Center at McCormick Place, Chicago, IL |
August 30 - September 2, 1999 |
It's not that I don't enjoy fielding the phone calls before and after a show when someone is looking for information on the exhibitor that was next to the front entrance. Well I may not know which door they were near but here are the show and PR contacts for ICCM '99/CRMS '99. I know I will still get calls but at least you will have the booth number (which will be added when we get closer to the show). |
Bob |
Booth |
Company |
Show Contact |
Tel |
Accelerated Payment Systems |
Bart Spencer |
410-584-9500 |
Lhanks@apschecks.com |
AchieveGlobal |
Robin Stasiak |
813-977-8875 |
Robin.Stasiak@achieveglobal.com |
ACS Communications Industry Serv |
Karen Yanker |
214-841-8461 |
karen_yanker@acs-inc.com |
Acxiom |
Martha Phillips |
619-455-6900 |
mphillips@dataquick.com |
Advanstar Communications |
David White |
714-513-8646 |
dwhite@advanstar.com |
AlignMark |
Susan Hunter |
972-587-1000 |
shunter@alignmark.com |
ALLTEL Call Center Solutions |
Kim Smalling |
501-224-9118 |
khsmalling@alltel.net |
Alter Group, The |
Barbara Riekse |
847-568-5923 |
briekse@aol.com |
American Teleservices Assoc |
Victoria Smart |
818-766-5324 |
victoria@ataconnect.org |
Ameritech |
John Broschka |
312-364-2182 |
john.e.broschka@ameritech.com |
Amtelco |
Jim Becker |
608-838-4194 |
jim@amtelcom.com |
APROPOS Technology |
Britt McNichols |
630-472-9600 |
karen.hoelscher@apropos.com |
Arkansas Aeroplex |
Cliff Chitwood |
870-532-2100 |
aeroplex@missconet.com |
Aspect Telecommunications |
Mary Louder |
408-325-4170 |
mary.louder@aspect.com |
Assessment Solutions, Inc. |
Patricia Gambale |
212-319-8400 |
pgambale@asisolutions.com |
BARD Technologies |
Jim Oberhelman |
860-536-4214 |
jober@uconect.net |
BBI Bremen Business International Gmbh |
Petra Bullwinkel |
49 421 174660 |
bbi@bremen-business.de |
BCS Technologies |
Sarah Cresap |
303-713-3000 |
cresap@bcstechnologies.com |
Black Hills Business Council |
Julie Gregg |
605-343-1880 |
jgregg@rapiddevelopment.com |
Blue Pumpkin |
Shannon Hughes |
650-948-4998 |
shughes@blue-pumpkin.com |
Bob Fletcher & Associates |
Ted Giordano |
678-277-8100 |
tgiordano@mobsec.com |
Brite Voice Systems, Inc. |
Karen Sweet |
407-357-1000 |
karen.sweet@brite.com |
CadCom Telesystems |
Vickie Bright |
580--233-7463 |
vickie@cadcom.com |
Call Center Coach |
Anne Nickerson |
860-870-8494 |
anne@callcentercoach.com |
Call Center Learning Solutions |
Ellen Greene |
925-513-1010 |
egreene@ix.netcom.com |
Call Center Product News |
Catherine Long |
714-513-8621 |
clong@advanstar.com |
Call Center Technology |
Dwight Jones |
770-772-4085 |
dwight.jones@callcti.com |
Call Center University |
Karen Carrico |
615-221-6846 |
karen_carrico@tcsmgmt.com |
Call One, Inc. |
Karen Colclasure |
407-783-2400 |
cn@call-1.com |
CALLcenterLIVE |
David White |
714-513-8646 |
dwhite@advanstar.com |
Carleton Corporation |
Shelly Wilson |
612-238-4103 |
shelly.wilson@carleton.com |
CC News |
Alison Harris |
207-846-0600 |
aharris@ccnews.com |
Cell IT Inc. |
Susie LaCour |
305-639-2255 |
jvelasco@cellit.com |
CenterCore |
Mary K. Edwards |
972-915-6822 |
domoredo3@msn.com |
Century Telecommunications |
Rhonda Evans |
512-754-5535 |
mhass@cticallcenter.com |
Chadbourn Marcath/Call Center Solutions |
Beth Eugenio |
312-915-0300 |
ere@chadbourn.com |
Chordiant Software |
Amy Gardner |
408-517-6174 |
amy.gardner@chordiant.com |
Clallam County Economic Dev. Council |
Katy Stansifer |
360-457-7793 |
kstansifer@clallam.org |
Clarify |
Rom Portwood |
408-965-7637 |
rom@clarify.com |
Clearvox |
Russell K. Jones |
408-341-1201 |
rjones@clearvox.com |
Coleman Consulting Group |
Adam Chaplin |
415-925-6950 |
rje@coleman-consulting.com |
Comdisco |
Laurie Jahnke |
847-698-3000 |
lajahnke@comdisco.com |
Comfort Telecommunications |
Jon Minto |
941-945-3224 |
jonm@comfortel.com |
CommuniTech |
Chris Ganjani |
847-439-4333 |
chrisg@communitech.com |
Computer Network Technology |
Kelly Slater |
612-797-6775 |
kelly_slater@cnt.com |
Comverse Information Systems |
Linda Dunlea |
781-431-2666 |
dshields@cominfosys.com |
Copia International |
Dorothy Gaden-Flanagan |
630-778-8898 |
dorothy@copia.com |
Corepoint |
Vince Mazza |
301-803-2880 |
elizabeth.sanders@corepoint.com |
CosmoCom Inc. |
Lisa Dicksteen |
516-851-0100 |
ldicksteen@cosmocom.com |
Customer Service Management |
Deborah Roberts |
864-987-1129 |
droberts@csm-us.com |
Customer Support Management |
Kathleen Lombardo |
203-857-5656 |
klombardo@customersupportmgmt.com |
CyberMarketing Services |
Larry Matte |
201-862-0186 |
tele-info@telemkt.com |
Daktronics, Inc. |
Pete Egert |
800-843-9878 |
sales@daktronics.com |
Dartnell c/o LRP Publications |
Florence Alexander |
215-784-0941 |
Database Systems Corp. |
David Knight |
602-265-5968 |
dknight@databasesystemscorp.com |
Davox |
Nicole Rodgers |
972-997-8300 |
nicoler@answersoft.com |
Dictaphone Corporation |
Jack Wilkins |
203-381-7118 |
ldilaur@dictaphone.com |
DoMore/DO3 |
Domenic Federico |
219-293-0621 |
domored03@msn.com |
Dynatec International |
Robert Sanchez |
801-973-9500 |
robs@dynatechintl.com |
Easyphone |
Steve Nicholson |
44 1703 331666 |
nichosk@ibm.net |
eGain Communications |
Teresa Araujo |
408-737-7400 |
taraujo@egain.com |
eLoyalty |
Tinette Blanding |
703-802-9824 |
tinette_blanding@techsol.com |
Excell Consulting Services |
Renee Martucci |
602-808-1680 |
rmartucci@excellconsulting.com |
Eyretel Inc. |
Angie Peters |
301-586-1929 |
angela.peters@eyretel-usa.com |
Face Time Communications |
Deborah Kurfiss |
650-572-5836 |
deborah@facetime.net |
Feedback Plus |
Sharon Karlebach |
800-816-5050 |
sharon.karlebach@gofeedback.com |
FileNET |
Paula Anderson |
714-966-3400 |
panderson@filenet.com |
FTR, Inc. |
Charlotte Sterner |
630-620-6090 |
info@ftrinc.com |
Fujitsu |
Ben Culp |
602-921-4768 |
bculp@fbcs.fujitsu.com |
Funk Software |
Megan Murphy |
617-497-6339 |
megan@funk.com |
Genesys |
Inna Kats |
415-437-1104 |
inna@genesyslab.com |
GeoTel Communications Corp. |
Jennifer Robinson |
978-275-5165 |
JenniferR@geotel.com |
GN Netcom / UNEX |
Andrea Olynyk |
603-594-4752 |
aolynyk@gnnetcom.com |
Grant Thornton, CRM Practice |
Ted Kuczun |
303-813-4032 |
tkuczun@gt.com |
GTE International |
Aurora Gonzalez |
305-470-7511 |
aurorag@gte.net |
Hammer Technologies |
Drew Knowland |
978-661-1213 |
mlazarto@hammer.com |
Harris Communications Products |
Julie Carlson |
415-382-5268 |
jcarlson@harris.com |
HTL Telemanagement, Ltd. |
Jacquie Beard |
301-236-0780 |
jbeard@htlt.com |
IDB Northern Ireland |
Paul Hanna |
847-945-2908 |
phanna@idbni.com |
IEX Corporation |
Stan Jasinski |
972-301-1287 |
stan@iex.com |
IMA, Inc. |
Annie Valle |
949-622-6200 |
annie.valle@imaedge.com |
Incoming Calls Management Institute |
Linda Hardin |
410-571-9635 |
lindah@incoming.com |
Industrial Investment Council |
Manni Hertweck |
493020945616 |
hertweck@iic.de |
Info-Vision |
Brad Flowers |
416-598-2223 |
bradf@netwave.com |
INOVA Corporation |
Lelia McMullen |
804-817-8000 |
lmcmullen@inovacorp.com |
Intecom |
Carol Farrell |
972-855-8000 |
cfarrell@intecom.com |
Interactive Intelligence, Inc. |
Nichole Hoffmann |
317-872-3000 |
nicholeh@inter-intelli.com |
Interactive Quality Services, Inc. |
Gregg Williams |
612-820-0778 |
bill.coleman@iq-services.com |
Interactive Software Systems |
Al Cuccinelli |
954-717-0192 |
acuccinelli@callcenter.com |
Interior Concepts Corporation |
Christine Jacobs |
800-968-3201 |
intcon@novagate.com |
Internet Business Advantages |
Linda Cassidy |
978-402-2027 |
lcassidy@ibaconsulting.com |
InterVoice, Inc. |
Janet Buttimer |
972-454-8329 |
janet_buttimer@intervoice.com |
ISC Consultants, Inc. |
Irene Mungiu |
212-477-8800 |
irene@isc.com |
ITC Learning Corporation |
Marta Czarnecki |
703-713-3335 |
mczarnecki@itclearning.com |
Iwatsu America, Inc. |
Don Gant |
972-929-0242 |
dgant@iwatsu.com |
Jingle Phone Productions |
Tim Walsh |
630-574-8008 |
tim@jinglephone.com |
Kaplan@Work/Call Center Learning Solutions |
Ki Perry |
212-974-2762 |
ki_perry@kaplan.com |
Kentucky Economic Dev Cabinet |
Donna Howard |
502-564-7140 |
dhoward@mail.state.ky.us |
KnowDev |
Matt McConnell |
404-881-1411 |
mattm@knowdev.com |
Knowlix Corp. |
Bruce Law |
800-733-2019 |
blaw@knowlix.com |
Language Line, LLC |
Judy Hornbaker |
831-648-5855 |
judie@lls.att.com |
Learning Byte International |
Anne Aarness |
612-543-3556 |
aaarness@learningbyte.com |
Link Call Center Services |
Robin Weiner |
800-848-5465 |
rweiner@linkstaffing.com |
Lucent Technologies |
Peggy Baxter |
602-867-2217 |
mbaxter@lucent.com |
Manitoba Call Centre Team |
Lori Walder |
204-945-6764 |
lwalder@calctr.gov.mb.ca |
MCK Communications, Inc. |
Amy Gelpey |
617-454-6100 |
amy_gelpey@mck.com |
Melita International |
Jenny Stallings |
770-239-4667 |
jstallings@melita.com |
Mercom |
Colin Mills |
201-507-8800 |
bob.jagendorf@mercom.com |
MicroAutomation, Inc. |
David McCrabb |
703-378-7000 |
dmccrabb@microaut.com |
Minis of N. Development & Mines |
Dale Ashbee |
807-475-1518 |
dale.ashbee@ndm.gov.on.ca |
Mitel |
Irene Crosby |
613-592-2122 |
irene_crosby@mitel.com |
Mitem Corporation |
Sally Harris |
978-443-4400 |
wetherbee@mitem.com |
Mohr Partners, Inc. |
Jeff Lapinski |
972-239-0394 |
mike@mohrpart.com |
Mosaix, Inc. |
Lisa Huck |
425-558-8115 |
lisah@mosaix.com |
Mustang Software, Inc. |
Bob Allman |
805-873-2500 |
ballman@mustang.com |
NBTel |
Beth Richard |
506-658-7386 |
elizabeth.richard@nbtel.nb.ca |
NEC America, Inc. |
Sherry Chadwick |
972-518-4991 |
schadwick@cng.dl.nec.com |
Netpark |
Henry McClure |
813-621-7575 |
tohenry@gte.net |
NICE Systems |
Audrey Ple' |
604-207-0600 |
audple@nice.com |
Noble Systems |
Melanie Martin |
404-851-1331 |
mmartin@noblesys.com |
Norrell Corporation |
Trey Campbell |
404-240-3567 |
TCampbel@norrell.com |
Norstan Communications |
Chris Orr |
612-352-4279 |
clorr@norstan.com |
Nortel Networks |
Amanda Volarvich |
408-565-2816 |
kathobri@nortelnetworks.com |
Nuance Communications |
Aimee Mikolasik |
650-847-7723 |
aimee@nuance.com |
Olsten Staffing Services |
Linda Gherardi |
516-844-7576 |
Joanne.Kassebaum@olsten.com |
Omega Performance Corporation |
Peggi Smith |
704-525-9536 |
psmith@omega-performance.com |
On-Line Interpreters, Inc. |
Kay Whipple |
800-307-1001 |
djenkins@online-interpreters.com |
Oracle Corporation |
Andy Baur |
650-506-3950 |
abaur@us.oracle.com |
Pacific Decision Sciences Corp |
Jerry Coyne |
714-832-2200 |
pdsc@pdsc.com |
PakNetX |
Jennifer Trevor |
888-273-7479 |
jtrevor@paknetx.com |
Pegasystems |
Donna McGovern |
617-374-9600 |
info@pegasystems.com |
Perimeter Technology |
Debbie Goff |
603-329-5448 |
dgoff@perimetertechnology.com |
Periphonics Corporation |
Diane Domke |
516-468-9334 |
diane.domke@peri.com |
Personnel Decisions International |
Patti Hatchett |
800-633-4410 |
moreinfo@pdi-corp.com |
Darlene Huse |
317-547-4663 |
darlene@phonepro.com |
Pipkins, Inc. |
Mimi Saxon |
314-469-6106 |
owl@pipkins.com |
POINT Information Systems |
Erik Haagensen |
770-551-1963 |
info@pointinfo.com |
Pricewaterhouse Coopers |
Sarah Bergin |
410-412-8234 |
sarah.bergin@us.pwcglobal.com |
Purdue University |
Cherie Keen |
765-494-9933 |
ckeen1@purdue.edu |
Quintus Corporation |
Lisa Shafer |
212-521-4199 |
lisa.shafer@quintus.com |
Qwiz, Inc. |
Melanie Singleton |
770-650-8080 |
msingleton@qwiz.com |
Racal Recorders, Inc. |
Melanie Covington |
703-709-7114 |
mcovington@racalusa.com |
Remedy |
Chris Mingrone |
650-919-5539 |
chrism@Remedy.com |
Response Design Corporation |
Tony Compton |
312-664-1684 |
tonycompton@responsedesign.com |
RightPoint Software Incorporated |
Nadine Joullie |
650-287-2049 |
nadine.joullie@rightpoint.com |
Rockwell Electronic Commerce |
Linda Cazan |
630-227-7419 |
cazan@switch.rockwell.com |
Sales & Field Force Automation |
Spencer Ewald |
212-314-7630 |
spencere@curtco.com |
Sales & Marketing Mgmt. Mag |
Karina Clausen |
212-592-6200 |
kclausen@salesandmarketing.com |
Select Global Call Center Staffing |
Kerri Smith |
805-882-2200 |
Shasta County Economic Dev |
Fred Castagna |
530-225-5300 |
fred@shastaedc.org |
Siebel Systems |
Susanna Hyatt |
650-295-5424 |
shyatt@siebel.com |
Siemens Info Communication Net |
Sharon Freitas-McDonald |
408-492-6924 |
sharon.f.mcdonald@siemenscom.com |
Simware |
Glenda Caldwell |
613-228-5157 |
poulsen@simware.com |
Society of Telecommunication Consultants |
Susan Kuttner |
831-659-0110 |
stchdq@stcconsultants.org |
Spanlink Communications |
Steve Peterson |
612-971-2156 |
jacobsk@spanlink.com |
Specialized Resources |
Christina Bentley |
972-664-6665 |
cbentley@sritelecom.com |
Spectrum Corporation |
Ginger Jones |
713-944-6200 |
gary@specorp.com |
Sprint |
Linda McKee |
972-405-5112 |
linda.mckee@mail.sprint.com |
Sterling Software |
Loretta Scott |
703-264-8317 |
loretta.scott@sterling.com |
Stevens Communication |
Colleen Kennedy |
312-895-5297 |
ckennedy@stevenscom.com |
SYMON Communications |
Elaine Rossi |
281-240-5555 |
erossi@symon.com |
Syntellect, Inc. |
Tricia Lester |
602-789-2804 |
charbour@syntellect.com |
Systems Modeling Corp |
Patty Kozlowski |
412-741-3727 |
ebrahney@sm.com |
T-NETIX, Inc. |
Angelika Ilina |
303-708-7429 |
angelika.ilina@t-netix.com |
Tapestry Integration Specialist |
Angie Cohen |
314-344-0066 |
angie.cohen@tapestry.com |
TargetVision |
Laurie Enos |
716-248-0550 |
lenos@targetvision.com |
Targus Information Corp. |
Dennis Ainge |
703-847-6200 |
dennisainge@targusinfo.com |
TCS Management Group, Inc. |
Karen A. Carrico |
615-221-6846 |
karen_carrico@tcsmgmt.com |
Tech Resource Group |
David Chapman |
919-834-0012 |
dchapman@trginc.com |
Technology Marketing Corp |
Liz Gulker |
203-852-6800 |
rtompkins@tmcnet.com |
Teknekron Infoswitch |
Yvonne Powell |
817-262-3120 |
ypowell@teknekron.com |
TelAthena Systems LLC |
Ira Stoller |
888-777-7565 |
istoller@telathena.com |
TeleDevelopment Services |
Jon Kaplan |
330-659-4441 |
jkaplan@teledevelopment.com |
Telegenix |
Ross Murdock |
609-424-5220 |
sales@telegenix.com |
Telephone Doctor |
Donna Bryan |
314-291-1012 |
teldoc@aol.com |
Teleprofessional Magazine |
Catherine Long |
714-513-8621 |
TeleStaff Solutions |
Michelle Cline |
888-626-3412 |
michelle@telestaff.com |
Teloquent Communications |
Steve Guthrie |
978-663-7570 |
bobm@teloquent.com |
Teltone Corporation |
Angie Clark |
425-487-1515 |
aclark@teltone.com |
Texas Digital Systems |
Jennifer Carter |
409-693-9378 |
jcarter@txdigital.com |
Info Group |
Tim Galvin |
508-628-4591 |
tgalvin@infogrp.com |
Vantive Corp |
Maureen Ball |
541-388-8212 |
maureen_ball@vantive.com |
WorkForce Management Gr |
Daryl A. Gonos |
561-243-0440 |
dgonos@wfmg.com |
Ulysses Training Corporation |
Shari Thompson |
704-892-0809 |
mbrodsky@ulyssestraining.com |
US West |
Pat Ulibarri |
303-965-3922 |
ptuliba@uswest.com |
Virtual Hold Technologies |
Judy D'Onofrio-Nightingale |
330-666-1181 |
tvespoli@virtualhold.com |
Visionyze.com |
Denise Gray |
925-867-3300 |
dgray@speedware.com |
Visual Electronics LTD |
Christine Spielvogel |
303-831-7692 |
lchasey@digital-fax.com |
Visual Thinking |
Cary Marangoni |
905-271-3620 |
cary@visualt.com |
WebLine Communications |
Lenore Files |
781-852-2119 |
sales@webline.com |
West Midland Development A |
Ivan Buckley |
441217170909 |
ivan.buckley@wmda.co.uk |
Willow CSN Inc. |
Darren Gazdag |
305-810-1815 |
dgazdag@willowcsn.com |
Witness Systems, Inc. |
Jennifer Helton |
770-754-1959 |
jhelton@witsys.com |
Clare Gustin |
785-623-3321 |
cgustin@sunflower.net |
Xantel Corporation |
Kristen Beckman |
480-446-4036 |
kbeckman@xantel.com |
YB2 |
Richard Torseth |
206-842-6601 |
rtorseth@ix.netcom.com |
Zamba |
Hjalmer Danielson |
925-467-0314 |
hdanielson@gozamba.com |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office